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Pratik Mahadik


Imran Shah
Imran Shah
Feb 8, 2023

Hey Pratik Mahadik I'll suggest you go #100devs channel it's by far the best free bootcamp available. 1000s of people have got their job after completing it. Cohort 3 will start soon. But you can go & start learning through Leon noels YouTube channel. 2nd resource I'll suggest is Odin school. Stick with these & you'll be good to go. Don't fall in tutorial hell or hop around courses. Follow one & build projects. Don't worry about Capgemini you'll get better offers it you're consistent.

·1 reply
Pratik Mahadik
Pratik Mahadik
·Feb 8, 2023

Hello Imran first of all thank you for commenting. It just boosted my confidence & gave me more energy to pursue my dream to become a full-stack developer. The resources given by you will help me a lot no doubt about that, I just want to thank you for your advice

Prakhar Pandey
Prakhar Pandey
Feb 8, 2023

All the best Pratik for your journey to become a full stack developer. Even I am currently learning full stack development.

·1 reply
Pratik Mahadik
Pratik Mahadik
·Feb 8, 2023

Thank you Prakhar. Best of luck to you also! let's do it together !!
