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Aakash Goplani


Jannes Blobel
Jannes Blobel
Nov 6, 2023

Hey Aakash Goplani, I stumbled across your post about Typesafe and how to implement it.

It is a great-written article on how to use it. Unfortunately, the lib. will not be further maintained, as the maintainer has passed away. Ivan worked on a new lib at inlang. But he couldn't finish it either.

As the inlang team, we have decided to continue developing this library and dedicate an homage to him with the name paraglideJs. He was an enthusiastic paraglider.

Aug 12, 2023

Thank you for your article.

I just implemented it in my SvelteKit app as described, with EN and DE and without a language switch, but with hooks.server.ts and +layout.ts

When I refresh a page, it shows (correctly) the DE translations for a split second, then it changes to en. I also update the html lang in my hook and notice that it's correct with DE. Therefore something is wrong with the client side. It always changes the locale to EN, no matter what I do. If I call setLocale() in a +page.svelte file manually, it changes to DE but it does not show a single DE translation. Do you have any clue?

·2 replies
Aakash Goplani
Aakash Goplani
·Aug 12, 2023

Hello Patrick,

Are you using sessionstorage properly with key as "lang"?

You can refer section "4. Detect the locale on the client side" and "Locale Switching".

I know you are not switching locales but this section will give you idea on how to use session storage for persisting user locale.

Aug 12, 2023

Aakash Goplani Thank you! I'm not using the session storage key (just want to use the browser detection for the moment) and detectLocale(sessionStorageDetector) will then use the fallback EN, so the || will never be called. I just removed it and it works now.
