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Jannik Wempe



1.2K reads


Vamsi Rao
Vamsi Rao
Sep 22, 2023

This is super useful, setting it up right now. Would also love to read an article on the aliases you have set in your git config.

I recently setup rb alias (for recent branches) for listing the last 7 branches I've visited in the current repo. Use it quite often ✨

 rb = for-each-ref --count=7 --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(refname:short)'
·2 replies
Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Sep 22, 2023

Happy that you liked it 😊

That alias seems nice. I either do git co - which checks out the previous branch (I do have a co alias and tons of others). Or I do git cosb ("checkout search branch") which opens up a fuzzy search for branches powered by fzf: !git branch | fzf | xargs git checkout && git fetch origin. Maybe I should write about some neat aliases as well ... 🤔

Vamsi Rao
Vamsi Rao
Sep 22, 2023

Jannik Wempe That's 3 new aliases I'm adding to my config, good sign to write that article :P

Lakshya Thakur
Lakshya Thakur
Sep 21, 2023

Short and to the point ✨. I have been currently using git by mostly relying on default config setups. Any smart ideas like above which have helped you also do code reviews more efficiently than before while not breaking your own flow ?

·2 replies
Jannik Wempe
Jannik Wempe
·Sep 22, 2023

Happy that you liked it 😊

I am not exactly sure what you are looking for. Something general like setting aside specific time windows for reviews and starting reviews after breaks etc. or more technical like using the GitHub VSCode extension to do reviews inside of the IDE which is also quite nice.

Lakshya Thakur
Lakshya Thakur
Sep 22, 2023

Jannik Wempe Technical bits for sure. Also I can actually read a whole article by you on smart git aliases that speed up the dev workflow
