Alejandra·Jan 23, 2025Why will applying the Dependency Inversion Principle will make you a better developer?Hello everyone, This post is about a principle that has changed the way I approach software development. Imagine you’re building your dream app, and everything is going great. Until… you decide to switch your database or integrate a new API. Suddenly...1 likeNode.js
Sharon·Jan 12, 2025依賴反轉原則入門:從手作甜點店學習dip什麼是依賴反轉? 💡 本文涵蓋多個技術細節,但關鍵重點是「依賴反轉就是依賴抽象」。 「業務邏輯」和「實作細節」兩端都依賴抽象業務邏輯 ➡️ 抽象介面 ⬅️ 實作細節 用手作甜點店比喻依賴關係 舉例來說:你經營一家手作甜點店 (業務邏輯/Domain層): 需要食材來製作甜點 但你不親自去買 告訴採購部需求(Repository介面) 採購部會: 選擇供應商可能是批發市場、農場直送、進口等 買到食材(實作Repository) 這樣設計的好處 你可以專注在做甜點,你...Android Dev GuideDIP
Borhan·Jan 10, 2025Mastering SOLID Principles in TypeScript for Better Code DesignAbstracted Payment Gateway using Inteface interface PaymentGateway{ pay(amount:number):void } Single Responsiblity Principle (SRP): A class should have only one reason to change or should handle one action Handles logging of payment activiti...SOLID principles
Sohag·Oct 25, 2024Mastering the Dependency Inversion Principle in Laravel: A Practical Guide for BeginnersDependency Inversion Principle in Laravel Have you ever struggled with tightly coupled code that's difficult to maintain and test? The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is here to save the day! In this guide, we'll explore how DIP can make your La...PrinciplesSOLID principles
Struthi GiridharforNeverinstall·Aug 26, 2024The smartest approach to prevent data lossIn an era where data breaches cost companies an average of $4.35 million per incident, and with 68% of business leaders feeling their cybersecurity risks are increasing, it's clear that data protection isn't just IT jargon—it's a business loss prevention
Ganesh Rama·Aug 25, 2024Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)In SOLID, "D" stands for the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). This principle is about reducing the dependency of high-level modules on low-level modules by abstracting the connections between them. Key Concepts: High-level modules should not de...1 likeTypeScript
Geo J·Aug 24, 2024Understanding Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) with C#In this blog post, we will explore the fifth and final principle in the SOLID design principles series: the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP). In case you missed the previous posts in this series, you can catch up here: Single Responsibility Prin...2 likes·337 readsS.O.L.I.D Principles Using C#SOLID principles
Luis Gustavo·Aug 9, 2024Understanding SOLID Principles: A Guide to Writing Better Code in TypeScriptIn the world of software development, adhering to best practices can significantly enhance the quality and maintainability of your code. One such set of best practices is the SOLID principles. SOLID is an acronym for five design principles that help ...45 readsSOLID principles
Hankyu·Jun 10, 2024SOLID Principle and Design PatternsSOLID abbreviation represents : SRP(Single Responsibility Principle) - A class should have only one responsibility. OCP(Open Closed Principle) - Software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification LSP(Liskov Substitution Princ...solid
Saurabh·Apr 24, 2024S.O.L.I.D Principles - The Practical GuideWelcome to our exploration of SOLID principles—a foundational set of design principles in software engineering that can elevate the quality and maintainability of your code. In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, writing code that is...191 readsFundamentalsSOLID principles