David Sanzdbaenlasombra.com·Nov 25, 2024[OCI] housekeeping /u01Os comparto un script sencillo para tener controlado /u01, lo bueno del script es que cuando entra a realizar tareas de limpieza en /u01, nos mandara la siguiente alerta al correo, con el tamaño anterior y actual de realizar la limpieza Este sería e...1 like·44 readsOCI2Articles1Week
Jeff Leejungtae.hashnode.dev·Oct 29, 2024hello wordsalong with being for me to keep a record of my own progress, this blog is for two types of target readers: HR: people who are trying to decide whether to hire me or not for their studio. Normies: friends, family, acquaintances and other people who ...housekeeping
Maisy Tsemaisyt.hashnode.dev·Jan 23, 2023Cron: Schedule Task with Log HousekeepingMany Linux servers run scheduled tasks using Cron Jobs as a matter of routine. According to the job definition, Cron will run the task (usually a command or a group of commands in a shell script) at specific times (e.g. daily, 1st of every month, eve...232 readscronjob