Vitalii-Alan·Nov 6, 2024Building Craft Your Startup: How FastAPI + React Can Empower Indie DevsIntroduction Indie makers have a unique approach: we’re not just building products; we’re building dreams, usually solo or with a small team. When I set out to create Craft Your Startup, my goal was to build a FastAPI + React boilerplate that could s...112 readsBuild In Public
Awesome·Sep 15, 2024Top SaaS products of 2023 on Awesome IndieAwesome Indie provides a curated platform for showcasing indie products and micro startups. With its wide variety of categories, tech enthusiasts and entrepreneurs find a space to discover unique solutions and ideas. In 2023, several Software as a Se...Indie Maker·Feb 17, 2024互联网的默认设置是「开放」前些天 Bluesky 开放注册了。Fesiverse 网络上掀起了一股要不要与 Bluesky 互相通信的讨论。 Fediverse 上的一部分「原住民」嫌弃 Bluesky 上的氛围,各种瞧不上,生怕污染了 Fediverse 上的良好氛围。然而 Fediverse 上的一些倡导者,则主张包容 Bluesky 的服务,提供可以互通或 block 的选择。 期间也看到一些理性的声音。认为互联网原本就是开放的,没道理互相 block。我当然是赞同这个观点。互联网从诞生那一天起就是默认开放的,如果...Indieweb·Jan 11, 2024树洞,想说什么就说什么反思了一下,还是感觉特别庆幸生活在有互联网的年代,特别是出现了 blog 这种形态的东西,感觉特别特别的庆幸。 但凡生活在一个无处表达的年代,像我这种有想法又没地方讲的人,要么因为不让说话,憋死。要么把文字写在动物皮毛上,无处保存。别说若干年后,就是若干天,也不见得好保存,不被煮了吃,就是万幸。关键是那个文明程度,又能胡说些什么呢?有钱人可不允许你胡说。没学历的你还想说话? blog 是真他妈爽,自己的地盘,方便记录自己的观察。Archive 这个网站会把我的内容进行封存。能封存多久我不知道,但...Indieweb
Dr·Jun 3, 2023I Started a Web OSIn my introductory article titled Hello Web, bla bla bla; I tucked in an external link at the end. In this article, I also tuck in an external link. And in the next article, where I share the method to my madness, I'll also tuck in another external l...Web Development
Cory·May 26, 2023Domain names as discoverable personal identifiers for the webWhat if — and hear me out here — instead of using email or a platform-owned account, we leveraged individual domain names as personal identifiers for the web? Our current state of affairs is essentially this: if you want to use a service or establish...Indieweb
Cory·Feb 19, 2023Adding client side webmentions to my Next.js blogThe latest iteration of my website is built on Next.js, specifically Timothy Lin's wonderful Tailwind/Next.js starter blog.. I've modified it quite a bit, altering the color scheme, dropping components like analytics, comments and a few others while ...1 like·72 readsNext.js
Andrés Correa·Dec 5, 2022The comeback of the Fediverse and the Old WebTwitter is not dead (yet), but we act like it was, while the old web wants to come back from its grave. These past weeks have been pretty interesting to me, leaving the Birdsite aside. I started using Mastodon again, and through it, I discovered how ...Indieweb