Ankit·Dec 10, 2024Filter vs Splice in JavascriptThe choice between filter and splice depends on your specific requirements: Use filter (Better for Immutability): this.users = this.users.filter(user => !== id); Immutability: Creates a new array without modifying the original one. Readabl...JavaScript
Benedicta·Aug 10, 2023Slice() and Splice(): Let's Break It Down Like I'm TwelveImagine you have a basket of apples, and you want to share them with your friends. You might need to cut the apples into smaller pieces or take out a few slices. Well, in JavaScript, we have something similar called slice and splice methods. Don't wo...2 likes·43 readsjavascript splice
Fahad·Apr 8, 2023Making some changes in a cricket team using splice() Method in JavascriptOnce again, the cricket season had begun and Ankit, the captain of a local cricket team, was all geared up for a thrilling tournament. But this time, he was faced with a challenge. He gathered 10 players and was struggling to find the last player in ...123 readsJavaScript
Bruno LucenaforFront Academy·Feb 21, 2023Como tirar um item de um array em JavaScript com filter, splice e sliceQuando se quer retirar um item de um array em JavaScript, existem várias formas de se chegar nesse resultado e podemos ficar perdidos em qual delas usar. Três deles que se confundem são: splice , slice e filter. Embora possamos chegar a resultados se...144 readsjavascript splice