Vedant·Feb 8, 2025Android RecyclerView Mastery: Your Ultimate GuideIntroduction RecyclerView is a flexible way to display a large collection of views. It is more efficient than GirdView, as it recycles the views that are out of visibility and reduces memory consumption. class RecyclerView : ViewGroup, ScrollingView,...Android DesignAndroid
Vedant·Feb 7, 2025Mastering Android Layouts: A Guide to ViewGroups and Their Key AttributesIntroduction ViewGroups in Android Kotlin are containers that hold and manage child views (other Views or ViewGroups). They define the layout structure for the views they contain and determine how child views are positioned and displayed on the scree...Android DesignAndroid
Vedant·Feb 7, 2025Android UI Essentials: Crafting Stunning & Interactive InterfacesIntroduction to UI in Android XML - eXtensible Markup Language is a markup language used to create layouts for application screen in Android Development. Layout defines the structure of the User Interface in our application. Layout in Android is buil...Android DesignAndroid
Vedant·Jan 22, 2025Simplifying Background Tasks with Android Services & Broadcast ReceiversServices in Android Service is an Application Component, that can perform long-running operations in the background. Doesn't provide a user interface & can be invoked from another application component. Eg - Download File Service starts from the Butt...AndroidAndroid
Vedant·Jan 20, 2025How to Effectively Manage Data and Bind UI in Android ApplicationsView Binding in Android View binding is a feature that makes it easier to interact with views. generates a binding class for each XML layout present in the module, activity_main.xml to ActivityMainBinding instance of a binding class contains a dire...AndroidAndroid
Vedant·Jan 20, 2025Step-by-Step Android Fragments Guide for Dynamic UI DesignIntroduction A fragment is a small reusable piece of activity that is hosted by an activity. However, they are different from normal activities & have their own lifecycle, and manage their own layout. We can combine multiple fragments in a single act...AndroidAndroid
Vedant·Jan 19, 2025Simplifying Android Navigation: Intents and Backstack Explained for Seamless Data SharingIntents in Android Intent class helps us as a communication link between different application components by providing runtime binding between different components. Start an Activity A new instance of an activity can be created by passing an intent...AndroidAndroid
Vedant·Jan 18, 2025Android Activity Lifecycle Explained: Enhance Your App's NavigationActivity Single UI-Screen present to the user. Different events, some user-triggered and some system-triggered can cause an Activity to transition from one state to another. As a user navigates through the application, the Activity instances in our a...AndroidAndroid
Vedant·Jan 16, 2025Kotlin Coroutines: Essential Guide to Master Asynchronous ProgrammingIntroduction One of the major problems we face while development, is avoiding our application to get caught in bottlenecks. This leads application to blocking states and crash. Coroutines enables us to write non-blocking code, by helping us write fun...Kotlin for AndroidAndroid
Vedant·Jan 14, 2025Unlock the Power of Kotlin OOP: Master Classes, Inheritance, and Advanced FeaturesObject Oriented Programming is a programming methodology that involves execution with the help of classes and objects. Introduction Class - Blueprint of an object, class has properties(data members) and member methods(behaviour to that data) Object...Kotlin for AndroidKotlin