Evaldas Visockashashnode.programmersdiary.com·Sep 28, 2024Implementing social login on a website with Spring microservicesHi. This is the nineteenth part of the diary about developing the “Programmers’ diary” blog. Previous part: https://hashnode.programmersdiary.com/thoughts-on-implementing-local-and-social-logins-on-a-website. The open source code of this project is o...Springboot
Rafal Grzegorczykrafal.hashnode.dev·Sep 16, 2024Oracle Cloud World 2024 & SQLcl Projects sneak peekIntro Oracle Cloud World was held in Las Vegas from September 9 to 12, 2024. It was my first such big conference with so many people—I've heard rumours about more than 20k participants. Many people say that this conference is more for business users ...134 readscicd
Sydney Nursesynuora.hashnode.dev·Sep 11, 2024Oracle Database CI/CD: Metadata Export with SQLcl or scripting for DDLThe challenge for database developers to adopt DevOps principals, tools and processes continues today. Exporting metadata of an object is simple enough and many tools are available for this including simply saving the text to file after successful ex...3 likes·290 readsorclsqlcl
Evaldas Visockashashnode.programmersdiary.com·Jul 25, 2024Building a blogging website with microservices: sign upHi. This is the thirteenth part of the diary about developing the “Programmers’ diary” blog. The open source code of this project is on https://github.com/TheProgrammersDiary. The twelfth part: https://hashnode.programmersdiary.com/building-a-bloggin...2 likesSpringboot
Rafal Grzegorczykrafal.hashnode.dev·Jun 21, 2024Part 2: Oracle SQLcl LiquibaseIntroduction Welcome to part 2 of "A whirlwind tour of Database Schema Changes Tracking Tools" In this article, I will give you a general idea and test the basic functionalities of the Oracle SQLcl tool with Liquibase built-in. I highly encourage yo...1 like·431 readsDatabase schema changes tracking tools - COMPARISONsqlcl
Rafal Grzegorczykrafal.hashnode.dev·Jun 21, 2024Part 1: Liquibase (standalone Open-Source edition)Introduction Welcome to part 1 of "A whirlwind tour of Database Schema Changes Tracking Tools" In this article, I will give you a general idea and test the basic functionalities of Open-Source Liquibase. It supports many databases, so no matter what ...485 readsDatabase schema changes tracking tools - COMPARISONOracle
Rafal Grzegorczykrafal.hashnode.dev·Jun 13, 2024A whirlwind tour of Database Schema Changes Tracking Tools: IntroductionIntro In this blog series, I will compare various database schema change tracking tools. And yes, from my recent blog posts, you may recognize me as a Liquibase fan. Indeed, it's true. But there are so many other tools available that I can't ignore t...2 likes·403 readsDatabase schema changes tracking tools - COMPARISONDOME
Rafal Grzegorczykrafal.hashnode.dev·May 8, 2024Open Source Liquibase tutorial - a step-by-step guide for you.Introduction Many organizations have implemented DevOps in their applications. At the same time, their database change process hasn’t evolved and is still left in the dark ages. But what if you could automate that, too? It can be done using Liquibase...2 likes·423 readsOpen Source Liquibase & Oracle SQLcl Liquibaseliquibase
Parth P Shahparthpshah.hashnode.dev·Apr 5, 2024Flyway and Liquibase for Database Migration and VersioningLet's try to understand the DB migration/versioning tools which support databases like Clickouse, PostgeSQL, MongoDB and Cassandra. The focus here is on exploring the Flyway and Liquibase and try to migrate in to PostgreSQL DB using both the tools. O...140 readsflyway
Rafal Grzegorczykrafal.hashnode.dev·Jan 23, 2024[Open Source Liquibase] Installation on Mac&Windows and how to use it with Oracle Database (on-premise & cloud)This blog gathers together all you need to install standalone Open-Source Liquibase 4.25.1, configure it and use it with your Oracle databases - both on-premise and OCI Cloud (ATP, ADW, etc.) These instructions cover MacOS & Windows. See my other art...1.1K readsOpen Source Liquibase & Oracle SQLcl LiquibaseOracle