Danny Crastoblog.danwald.me·Aug 3, 2024Don't mutate your paginated QuerysetDjango's Paginator works to batch your query items into pages. Under the hood it uses lazy slicing which is accomplished in sql by offset and limit. Warning altering the data affects the limit/offset of proceeding paginated pages data ...Django
Moustafa Khalilsharpbim.hashnode.dev·May 15, 2024Offset EllipseWhile using the offset function in the Revit API, I noticed that ellipses don't retain their properties after offsetting. Instead, they are converted to another type of segment classified as a Hermite-spline. How can I keep the ellipse properties aft...Hermite-spline
Moustafa Khalilsharpbim.hashnode.dev·May 7, 2024Outer CableTray radiusMEP fittings in Revit are families designed for MEP projects. Since these families can come in various forms, tracking values like the bend radius between two connectors can be challenging. One approach is to add a reporting parameter for the outer ...46 readsouterRadius