Mohammed Shakeelmaster-webdevelopment.hashnode.dev路Dec 21, 2024User Authentication Level 4User authentication is essential for protecting sensitive user data and ensuring secure access to resources. This Level 4 user authentication example uses bcrypt, Passport.js, and PostgreSQL while leveraging environment variables for enhanced securit...passport
Mohammed Shakeelmaster-webdevelopment.hashnode.dev路Dec 19, 2024User Authentication Level 3Introduction In modern web applications, user authentication is a critical feature to ensure secure access control. Passport.js, a popular Node.js middleware, simplifies user authentication by providing robust and flexible strategies. This blog delve...authentication
Vinayak Sharmaitsvinayak.hashnode.dev路Dec 8, 2024The Bcrypt Algorithm for Secure Password HashingHashing is a cryptographic function that cannot be reversed. It takes an input of random size to produce fixed-size values. These fixed-size values are called hash values, and the cryptographic function is called the hashing function. Hashing has a c...1 like路182 readsPython
porobertdevblog.porobert.dev路Oct 16, 2024Sessions, Cookies and AuthenticationAbout The goal of this article is to complement the lesson from The Odin Project curriculum. Initially was written for personal use to try to understand better how this work and make information stick to my brain, but I chose to make it public hoping...75 readsBackendJavaScript
Asfia Aimanasfiaaiman.hashnode.dev路May 28, 2024Securing Your Laravel Backend REST API: A Comprehensive GuideIn today's digital age, securing your backend REST API is paramount. As the backbone of many applications, APIs are frequent targets for malicious attacks. Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, offers robust security features to help prote...Laravel
Dianne De Jesusdiaanedev.hashnode.dev路May 21, 2024What does serializeUser & deserializeUser do?Looking at these methods in a simple and straightforward way, you can simply say that serializeUser stores the identifying data for the logged-in user inside the passport variable. Then deserializeUser uses that information to populate the request va...JavaScript
Dianne De Jesusdiaanedev.hashnode.dev路May 20, 2024Model.find() no longer accepts a callback in MongooseWhen updating Mongoose on an old practice project I got this error in reference to my passport deserializeUser. I found a reply on that worked well. Orig...JavaScript
Vishal Sharmacodreline.hashnode.dev路Apr 7, 2024Seamless Google Sign-in Integration with Passport.js in Node.jsIn today's digital landscape, providing users with a variety of authentication options is crucial for creating a smooth and engaging user experience. One of the most popular and convenient methods is integrating Google Sign-in, which allows users to ...OAuth2
Ethanethan91.hashnode.dev路Feb 25, 2024Implementing Passport Local With Yarn, Typescript, Express and PostgreSQLIntroduction Hello! 馃槑 In this tutorial I will show you how to implement passport local into a new Nodejs project. This tutorial will use PostgreSQL for the database but feel free to change it to a database of your choice. 鈽猴笍 Requirements Basic kno...Node.js
Aditya Pippalap29.hashnode.dev路Jan 16, 2024Building a Pinterest Clone with Node.js, Express, and MongoDBIntroduction: Welcome to this step-by-step guide where we'll walk through the process of creating a Pinterest clone using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. We'll be using popular packages such as Express-generator, Passport, Passport-local, Passport-loc...11 likes路97 readsNode.js