Derek·Aug 28, 2024Redirecting Root Domain with CloudflareYou know the old saying, "It’s always DNS"? Well, it's true. And the more you dabble in the wonderful world of web management, the more you realize just how much your digital kingdom rests on those little DNS settings. Whether you’re managing a massi...4 likes👨🏻💻 Code Craftcloudflare
Prakash·Aug 17, 2024Understanding Temporary and Permanent Redirects in DjangoWhen building a web application, there may be times when you need to send users from one URL to another. This can happen for various reasons: a page has moved, a resource is temporarily unavailable, or you want to guide users to a new version of a pa...44 readsredirects·Mar 21, 2024ExpressJS - redirect methodHave you ever wondered, when ever you are not logged-in to a website and you try to request a service that is only possible if you log-in then you get redirected to log-in page. Turns out, it is just a single line of code that does this redirection i...Express·Aug 7, 2023Shell Redirections, I/O, and special characters.Special characters. The characters typed onto the terminal can have special meanings. One of these is the * which means to match any characters. These special characters can be challenging to write when executing commands on the terminal. e.g. the ec...80 readsBash shell script
Melvin C Varghese (melvincv)·Jul 14, 2023Rewrites and RedirectsRewrites and redirects are used to direct the user to a different URI path. Redirects change the path of the URL on the user's browser while rewrites do not. Redirects When using a redirect, the user is redirected to a new URI and the URI changes in ...Configuring NGINXnginx
Roman·May 15, 2023How to create redirects with AWS Lambda and Amazon API GatewayWhen moving your site from one domain name to another you may need to configure redirects from an old domain to a new one. While trivial if you run the site on your hosting task may become not so easy if you move a site running on some solution like ...135 readsaws lambda
Agcrismanto Budhi·Apr 14, 2023How To Calculated Age For Date of Birth Using JavaScriptCreate a file age.js and fill it with this code: <!-- CHANGE ME --> var DOB = "August 31, 1998"; var millisecondsBetweenDOBAnd1970 = Date.parse(DOB); var millisecondsBetweenNowAnd1970 =; var ageInMilliseconds = millisecondsBetweenNowAnd1...PHP
Aleksandr·Feb 18, 2023Two ways to setup HTTP redirects in Kubernetes clusterWhen migrating from one domain name to another one may need to set up a redirect of types 301 (Moved Permanently) or 302 (Found) for a certain domain and its paths. If you have Kubernetes as your runtime, there are at least two ways to do that: Depl...758 readsk8s
Ayoade·Dec 25, 2022Essential Redirects In Php ProductionThis article aims to detail the redirects needed when writing PHP in production environments, their necessity and how to implement them safely. What is Redirecting Redirecting involves moving or forwarding a request from a user or a search engine di...PHP
Emmanuel·Jan 16, 2012301 Redirects - How Permanent is "Permanently"?What are 301 Redirects? A redirect to a URL other than the one typed in or clicked on by the user. For example, could issue a 301 redirect to According to RFC 2616,...1 like·35 readsurl