Murtaza·Feb 24, 2024A Practical Guide to Self-Signed X.509 Certificates Using OpenSSLCertificate Authority (CA) The CA serves as the root authority. All certificates generated for different services will be signed by it. Let's create our CA first. mkdir ca openssl req \ -x509 \ -newkey rsa:4096 \ -days 365 \ -nodes \...339 readsopenssl
Andrew MartinezforOpenZiti Tech·Oct 19, 2022High-Level Public/Private CryptographyI find myself writing this high-level overview of public/private key cryptography often. Sometimes I even call it "an overview of asymmetric encryption." It depends on my mood. Rather than hunt for a simple overview and fail to find one I like, I cre...2 likes·136 readspublic-key cryptgraphy