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Click with robotjs when the speed of the mouse is low

Arijanit salihu's photo
Arijanit salihu
·Oct 14, 2019

What am I trying to achieve?
I'm trying to make a program (like sofType) with auto-clicking tools and on-screen keyboard for disabled persons.

Why am I doing this? I'm doing this because sofType cost alot and some countries doesn't help these people financially with this program.

Will this be free? Yes, open-sourced as well (Github-link here).

What's my issue for today? Currently behavior: The mouse is clicking even if its speed is higher than expected. Expect behavior: As soon as the speed of the mouse is == 100 then it should click and do the rest.

The code index.js

const robot =require('robotjs');
const mousemoved = require('iohook');
let {isPressed, hasBeenUsed,windowHasBeenLoaded} = false;
let {lastX,lastY,cursorX, cursorY} = 0;
let mouseMove,prev;

mousemoved.on('mousemove',ev => mouseMove(ev));

mouseMove = (events)=>{
  if(hasBeenUsed) return;

    windowHasBeenLoaded = true;
    prev ={x:events.x,y:events.y,prevTime :};
    event = events

  lastY = events.y;
  lastX = events.x;


  if((calculator(events,prev).mSpeed == 100 && calculator(events,prev).mSpeed > 0) && (calculator(events,prev).mVelocity <= 0.04) && (calculator(events,prev).mMovement <= 1 && calculator(events,prev).mMovement > 0) && !isPressed){    
    setTimeout(() => {
      mousemoved.on('mouseclick', (e) => {
        cursorX = e.x;
        cursorY = e.y;
      isPressed = true; hasBeenUsed = false
      mousemoved.on('mousemove',event => mouseMove(event))
    }, 1000);

  if((diff(cursorX,lastX) > 57 || diff(lastY,cursorY) > 57) && (isPressed && !hasBeenUsed)){ 
    isPressed = false;
  prev ={x:events.x,y: events.y,prevTime :};



function squareroot(number) {
  let lo = 0, hi = number;
  while(lo <= hi) {
       let mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2);
       if(mid * mid > number) hi = mid - 1;
       else lo = mid + 1;
  return hi;

let calculator=(currentEvent,prevEvent)=>{
  let time =;

  let movementX=Math.abs(currentEvent.x-prevEvent.x);
  let movementY=Math.abs(currentEvent.y-prevEvent.y);
  let movement=squareroot(movementX*movementX+movementY*movementY);

  let speed=100*movement;
  let velocity = (movement / (time - prevEvent.prevTime));

  return {mSpeed:speed,mVelocity:velocity,mMovement:movement}
let diff=(num1, num2)=>{
  return (num1 > num2)? num1-num2 : num2-num1

Other information

  • Electron version: 5.0.0
  • Node version: 10.16.3
  • Robotjs version: 0.5.1
  • IoHook version: 0.4.6