11.3K reads
Really well written, awesome read!
Thanks Nelson
This is so simple to understand, I don't even do flutter and I understood what was said. best read I've had in a while
Welldone man
Thanks a lot. I appreciate you.
Great job man.
Self explanatory! Nice job
Well done Tay馃憤. This is so cool.馃帀馃帀
Thanks a lot. I was finding this type of blog.
Socket.IO is extremely fast, I have used it to update a wall display hundreds of miles away from the computer generating the graphics.
I remember in the 90's being able to chat with people using modems. Each character you typed was transmitted and displayed on the other person's screen. You could see how fast they type, watch as they corrected mistakes, etc. I would love to see if Socket.IO could be fast enough to accomplish this. In fact, I might just give it a try.
How can we show seen , unseen , typing status for the same
Please, where can I find the full code?
Here you go!
Good and helpful Thanks