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29.9K reads


Joan Puig Bertran
Joan Puig Bertran
Aug 7, 2022

Estaba batallando con filament i me encontre con tus indicaciones . 1.- he solucionado mi problema. 2.-Me he registrado a hashnode. muy agradecido!.

Erick Zarate Hernández
Erick Zarate Hernández
Sep 3, 2022

Thanks for the post is amazing!

Nathalie Castells-Brooke
Nathalie Castells-Brooke
Jul 7, 2023

At first glance, it looks really nice and useful - so I am going to try!

Nathalie Castells-Brooke
Nathalie Castells-Brooke
Jul 7, 2023

Well: I have tried and it is a brilliant introduction:) thanks for profiding that. The only little thing, is that now using LARAVEL 10, i am getting a "deprecated" warming from my intelephense when using Tables\Columns\BooleanColumn::make('email_verified_at')->label('Verified'), and the suggestion : class BooleanColumn extends IconColumn { } @deprecated — Use IconColumn with the boolean() method instead. But I have not managed that yet. (I am very new") thanks a lot anyway.

Zaid Pirwani
Zaid Pirwani
Oct 15, 2023

Am starting to follow your tutorial

please give a bit mroe info about using or not using --dev with breeze install

Note: The --dev flag on this command installs this package in development-only mode. But won't you need authentication in production, too? Yes, but this package installs and copies all of its files into your core app when you run this command...

what is the disadvantage of the package copying everything to core app ?

if I need breeze (autentication) in production, what do I do?
