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Hey Mohit! Congrats for this awesome new creation! 馃槈 We "met" when you created Packd for the hackathon, I'm one of the two creators of Moodflix 馃槉
Keep going strong like this!
Hey! Awesome having "inter-platformic" friends 馃槂 Thanks for the support! 馃挆
Awesome, Mohit! It looks good and pretty ad hoc with this crazy housing market. :)
Would love to see the code + live site - the links aren't working.
Ahh... The note-taking app I copied from didn't format the links... Hope I'm not too late. Also, having a lot of problems on the versioning and deployment end
Awesome 鉂わ笍馃憣 I bet on you for winning this hackathon!
Thanks! My luck hasn't been on my side lately, but your positive predictions are greatly appreciated 馃槉
Bro are you sure you linked the right project??
It's not functionally the same like you showed in the blog 馃檮 or its work in progress??
Wait what ?? The link which you have provided doesn't have any authentication system? 馃槙 Seriously you have mentioned dark mode and light mode and the deployed version doesn't even have it