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Faraja Thompson



579 reads


Cate Hardy
Cate Hardy
Sep 1, 2022

I loved reading this! I'm going to be attending the RC for the Winter 1 batch this year (starting October 31st) and I'm really excited for it, so it was great to read about your experiences. I can relate to your application process and struggling with imposter syndrome, as I'm a new, self-taught dev, too. It's good to hear that the community at RC and the whole experience there is supportive and helps with overcoming this anxiety. Thanks for sharing your experiences and hope to chat to you at RC some time!

·2 replies
Faraja Thompson
Faraja Thompson
·Sep 5, 2022

Congratulations and welcome, Cate! Yes, RC has been amazing, and I've grown substantially in programming during my batch. I look forward to chatting with you soon! Thank you for reading my blog, and I'm glad it's been helpful!

Cate Hardy
Cate Hardy
Sep 5, 2022

Thanks for the warm welcome, Faraja! It's great to hear that RC has been such a positive experience for you - I get even more excited to start, every time I hear about an experience like yours :)

Christine Sawyer
Christine Sawyer
Apr 28, 2023

I've been considering applying for RC so I've been doing some research and came across this. This is so wonderful! You answered some of the questions I had and ones that I didn't know I had yet. lol Thank you so much for sharing! I am a professional dancer and I went to college for computer science while dancing full time (plus other random jobs). I somehow managed to keep both careers going at the same time for a little while but it got to be too much so I put the programming on hold while I continued to dance my heart out and promised myself I'll come back later. Now is later and much has changed in the industry but I'm ready to make the leap back in! I'm in that same spot you were with the hesitation of submitting the written application... Gahhh! I'm going to have to pull the trigger soon!

·4 replies
Faraja Thompson
Faraja Thompson
·May 15, 2023

Hi Christine! I hope you have decided to pull the trigger on this--it's so worth it! I'm glad that my post has been helpful. Feel free to reach out on LInkedIn if you have further questions. Thank you for reading my blog!

Christine Sawyer
Christine Sawyer
Jun 11, 2023

Faraja ThompsonHi Faraja! I had finished up my application and was just trying to figure out putting my programs on GitHub Gist but then I found out about another opportunity at a bootcamp I had applied to! I figure I can wait and try for RC if I feel like I need to after that.

Faraja Thompson
Faraja Thompson
·Jun 11, 2023

Christine Sawyer Oh, YAY, that's awesome! Yes, RC is always an option after your bootcamp. Best wishes and congratulations!

Christine Sawyer
Christine Sawyer
Jun 12, 2023

Faraja Thompson Thank you!!
