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I think it depends, 24 hours for a simple web based prototype? Sure, that is do-able. UI templates and graphics that don't require a designer or UX team cuts down on the process! I would say 2 weeks or less is really all you need for one good MVP as long as features and requirements are scoped right and the tools are known. I have done it the same way you are for full stack web applications, mobile applications with a backend, and desktop applications using Unity, Delphi, Python, and Vue. You have to have a mindset and tool layout as you would for a Topcoder competition, and you must know what cloud solution to use ahead of the sprint like Heroku, Firebase, AWS Amplify, or Azure (Heroku was the best, sadly they are removing their free tier, so now is just one of the better ones).
Those are some great ideas. Thanks for sharing, Yev!
As the last note, even if you decided to build MVP backend by yourself, use solution like Firebase or pocketbase.io, again, a lot of saved times
Pocketbase, like many competitors, is not yet mature, and not even out of beta, so it's not necessarily a good idea to choose it. Can't wait to use them in some years!
Olyno agree! But I would definitely bet on them, like I did 2 years ago with Svelte, happy to see it growing in popularity
Quite impressive! Definitely want to know the <a href="vplaynews.blogspot.com/2022/05/present-ind…">techniques</a> "24 hours MVP" Yev Rachkovan