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Julian Ewers-Peters


Akinsola Adebanji
Akinsola Adebanji
Dec 16, 2022

Thanks 👍

·1 reply
Julian Ewers-Peters
Julian Ewers-Peters
·Dec 16, 2022

You're most welcome. I'm happy that you appreciate my post.

Hosein Pirani
Hosein Pirani
Jun 8, 2023

Hello julian. After losimng long time ive found your blog and its what iwant. You writed it perfecrly. Now i have a problem for making my own progressbar. My progressbar is somthing like motorcycle throtle meter wich shows rpm in ramped progressbar so how i create this type progressbar can you help me? I will so happy

·1 reply
Julian Ewers-Peters
Julian Ewers-Peters
·Jun 26, 2023

Hi Hosein. I'm glad that my post helped you. I don't know what exactly you want to develop, but I don't provide free custom development services. I'm available for hire for custom development. Any code and tutorials that I provide here are for free, but I write them based on my own needs and experiences that I share with the community. Please understand that my time is limited as I also work on paid projects for clients. If you need further assistance with development tasks, you may want to write a Stack Overflow question detailing the issues you're seeing. Myself or other developers may be able to help you there.

Harvey Triana
Harvey Triana
Jul 7, 2023

Hello. A couple of comments. You don't mention in this writing that it is necessary to add the ProgressBarHandler class, even though it is empty. I did the exercise in MUAI .NET 7, and it was necessary to do this.

Also, I suggest that IgnorePixelScaling = true, since it doesn't render with the precise units on high resolution monitors without scaling 100.

Great article. Thanks for sharing.

·1 reply
Julian Ewers-Peters
Julian Ewers-Peters
·Jul 7, 2023

Hi Harvey. Thank you for your comments, I'm glad you enjoyed the article. About the handler class. You can either register an empty ProgressBarHandler class that inherits from SKCanvasViewHandler or you can just use the SKCanvasViewHandler class directly to register the component, like I did in the article:

h.AddHandler<ProgressBar, SKCanvasViewHandler>();

In the sample repository, I indeed used the ProgressBarHandler class instead.
