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Sailesh Dahal


Ska Lee
Ska Lee
Apr 10, 2023

Thank you for the good article I refer to it a lot.

I have a question when running server with 'backend:dev'

How can I see Server logs in Vscode terminal or Debug Console?

·1 reply
Sailesh Dahal
Sailesh Dahal
·Apr 11, 2023

Thanks, I hope you are liking it so far, for running the debugger, what you can do is run melos run backend:dev. This will start the debugger, and you will get a URL for Dart DevTools debugger. You can copy this link, and from command pannel in your VS Code, search for Attach to Dart Process and paste that link there.

The link will look something like this.

The Dart DevTools debugger and profiler is available at:…

Jimmie Mshumbusi
Jimmie Mshumbusi
Feb 13, 2024

Can I have the complete tutorial in pdf format?

·1 reply
Sailesh Dahal
Sailesh Dahal
·Apr 4, 2024

I think you can use some online tools to convert to PDF...

Mário Carlos Chita
Mário Carlos Chita
Mar 14, 2024

amazing , thanks to share all this information...

·1 reply
Sailesh Dahal
Sailesh Dahal
·Apr 4, 2024

Thanks a lot, please forward, share and repost!
