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mobx is better to use?
Whether or not MobX is better to use for state management depends on your specific needs and preferences.
MobX is a popular state management library that uses observables to automatically track changes to state and update components that depend on that state. It also provides easy-to-use APIs for managing state and reacting to changes. MobX can be a good choice for applications that have complex and changing state, as it can help reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed to manage that state.
However, there are other state management solutions available, such as Redux and Context API in React, that may be better suited for certain use cases. For example, Redux can be a good choice for applications with large and complex state that needs to be accessed by multiple components throughout the application, while the Context API can be a good choice for smaller applications with less complex state.
Ultimately, the choice of which state management library to use depends on your specific needs and preferences. It's always a good idea to evaluate multiple options and choose the one that best fits your use case.