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Karl Bolinger


Hans Fennell
Hans Fennell
Apr 24, 2023

I found the article about basic cooking techniques to be very informative and helpful for novice cooks. The author did an excellent job of explaining the various techniques, such as sautéing and simmering, clearly and concisely. I also appreciated the mention of the "bain marie" method, an essential technique for cooking delicate dishes like custards or sauces. Overall, I highly recommend this article to anyone who is interested in learning more about cooking fundamentals.

Diana Petrus
Diana Petrus
Apr 26, 2023

A great introduction to basic cooking techniques! One important cooking technique useful in various recipes is a bain marie, also known as a water bath. This method involves placing a container of food in a larger pan filled with water, creating a gentle and consistent heat to cook delicate ingredients like chocolate or custards evenly. It's a valuable technique to master in the kitchen and can help achieve perfect recipe results. Thanks for sharing this informative post on basic cooking techniques!
