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Hoza Mc.Ferdinand



39 reads


Obaid Naseer
Obaid Naseer
Aug 13, 2023

Interesting story, and definitely thought-provoking. I'm not from India, but the low pay problem is present everywhere, even in high-income countries. But I have some insights to share.

You could command a higher rate by increasing the value of your writing. This includes your knowledge and expertise as well as how you can help other companies increase their profits by way of your writing.

Another way is to give your writing a sense of purpose and goal, which could be to inform, convert, or seal a deal with a potential customer.

I wish you the best of luck in your writing journey.

·1 reply
Hoza Mc.Ferdinand
Hoza Mc.Ferdinand
·Aug 13, 2023

Hey! Thanks for your comment. You're right, That's why it's better to be a freelance copywriter or affiliate marketer. If you're in this for the money
