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Tim Schindler

491 reads


Belén Rodriguez Salazar
Belén Rodriguez Salazar
Nov 27, 2023

Hi, I have follow the steps from the article, however it doesn´t work, page responds saying that the code is invalid. Could it be because in the webformfields you use MfaCode instead of MFACode as in the code?

·1 reply
Tim Schindler
Tim Schindler
·Nov 27, 2023

What is the generated TOTP ? Is it actually an OTP? You can see this by injecting the OTP into a field that isn’t obscured, like the username field.

Failing that, can you generate a valid TOTP manually with the secret stored as the logon account’s password (when you show/copy the secret out of CyberArk?) When you generate it manually, is it the same as what the Preconnect DLL generates ?

If you have the ability to do so, you can clone the example code from GitHub, add debug logging, and recompile.
