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Anish Gandhi



315 reads


Gaël de Mondragon
Gaël de Mondragon
Mar 28, 2024

Thanks for this interesting write up. I learned some valuable best practices.

In the event where you have to merge multiple independent branches (containing different features but with potential conflicts) do you recommend a specific order/strategy for the merge & syncs?

·1 reply
Anish Gandhi
Anish Gandhi
·Mar 28, 2024

Pleasure Gael. If the changes are independent means one branch change won't create conflict with other branch change. So You can merge it with main branch in any order.

But if one branch change and other branch change has some common UI, Workflows, data-types, plugins anything means there is potential of conflict and in that case, You need to decide hierarchy of merge and merge in sequence of that hierarchy. On each merge, testing of overlapping areas must be done.
