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Aswin Benny


Dec 19, 2023

Thanks for your informative article on creating a bulk email program using Golang and SMTP. I especially appreciate the detailed description of each step, from installing dependencies to running the code. Your tutorial was very helpful to me as I was looking for a way to integrate the bulk mailing feature into my Golang project.

I also liked that you included information about configuring the .env file to securely store SMTP credentials. This is an important aspect that is often overlooked in training.

I have a question: do you think it's possible to easily adapt your code to include tracking features, such as delivery confirmation or opening emails? This would be useful to analyze the effectiveness of mailings in more detail.

Thanks again for your work and looking forward to your reply!

·1 reply
Aswin Benny
Aswin Benny
·Dec 19, 2023

Sorry, I dont have much experience with tracking emails. Usually tracking of email is done via tracking pixel (its an image of size 1x1 px. When the recipient opens the email, their email client makes a request to the server hosting the image, and this request is logged, allowing the sender to track email opens.) Read more at

Are you planning to get a global analytics or need to uniquely identify the email address to see whether they have opened the email? First one is easy, you can insert that tracking pixel code in the above program. The later is difficult. (Would be a nice project though).

There is a tradeoff, if the user is using skiff mail with remote content turned off or using duckduckgo email forwarding, such pixels wont be loaded or is stripped off.

If your project is not so focussed on email sending, it would be easier to use sendgrid, mailchimp etc.. for the analytics.

I will definitely do more research on this and will let you know if something comes up.
