Davin 大文dvmk.me·Dec 31, 20212021年度总结---启发我的这一年注:本文在Mirror上发布于2021年12月31日 前言 文长慎入,我的2021年度总结分为了几个部分,分别是:信仰,兴趣,事业,财务,创业想法。 发布这个年度总结也算是我勇敢的第一步吧,但也是希望以后回来看的时候,可以知道自己有没有进步,或者被打脸了,就让这一切停留在2021。我的2021用一句话来总结的话就是启发的一年,也是我的起点。这一年感谢神的带领,继续度过了起伏的一年。 信仰 首先我会从信仰说起,是因为我是基督徒,神是我生命的中心,没有神的赐福我什么都做不了。或许在我的日常生活当中,...2021
Dany Paredesdanywalls.com·Dec 27, 2021My Yearly Summary: 2021 EditionThe 2021 year was good, professional, technical, and personal, but I'm 38 years old, so I can't learn too much stuff simultaneously. I'm learning slowly; similar to 2020, I'm only spending my energy on topics related to my job to make my life easy. I...181 readsdev-lifelife
Fortune Ikechifortune.hashnode.dev·Dec 26, 20212021 In ReviewPhoto by Markus Winkler on Unsplash Looking back at 2021 and all that has transpired this year and one word sums it all up “fascinating”. I started this year sick and in dire need of growth in multiple areas of my life like my career, my relationship...2021
Harish Rajoraharishr.hashnode.dev·Oct 20, 202113 Best Test Automation Frameworks: The 2021 ListAutomation frameworks enable automation testers by simplifying the test development and execution activities. A typical automation framework provides an environment for executing test plans and generating repeatable output. They are specialized tools...20 likes·101 readsTesting
Harish Rajoraharishr.hashnode.dev·Aug 12, 2021Top 10 Cross-Browser Compatibility Pain Points For DevelopersDevelopers are dealing with cross browser compatibility issues for some time now. The question that always looms in their minds is how we can give the best user experience to everyone despite the differences in the underlying mechanism of the browser...9 likesTesting
Sauti kalilouiswhyte.hashnode.dev·Aug 31, 2020A Glance at 2020 (Watashi no monogatari)Introduction: What a year 2020 was, I can’t fathom how it happened, but I’m grateful, thankful, and humbled. Starting this year, So ecstatic and energetic. Oh! The year had many expectations, plans for my brand, plans for my academics, and career pla...60 reads2021