Willy JhongforReRender AI 建築渲染tw-blog.rerenderai.com·Jan 9, 2025【ReRender AI系列】一秒打造客戶愛的渲染風格?建築設計實測分享前情提要 在建築與室內設計流程中,渲染一直是令人又愛又恨的一環。愛的是,它能將設計構想栩栩如生地呈現在客戶面前,無論是材質的真實感還是光影的細膩度,都能讓人沉浸於未來空間的藍圖中,快速促進設計師與客戶之間的溝通與決策;恨的是,傳統渲染過程繁瑣且費時,從調整燈光到選擇材質,再到無數次的反覆修改,都需要設計者投入大量的精力與耐心。同時,這個過程對硬體要求極高,往往需要昂貴的設備與專業的操作技巧,讓自由建築師與小型設計團隊倍感壓力。對於資源有限的非專業用戶而言,則幾乎是難以跨越的門檻。 近來,一款名為...AI
Willy JhongforReRoom AI 室內渲染tw-blog.reroom.ai·Jan 8, 2025【ReRoom AI 實測】房仲業的新利器,一鍵打造吸引買家的室內渲染與 3D 變裝效果前情提要 在房地產行業,房源的展示效果往往是影響成交的關鍵因素。無論是在線廣告中吸引點擊,還是實地看房時打動買家,如何高效地展現房源潛力,始終是房仲業者的一大挑戰。傳統的房屋拍攝與現場布置(staging)不僅耗費時間與成本,還可能受到房屋現狀的限制,無端增加運營成本。 ReRoom AI 作為一款專為房仲業設計的智能工具,能將普通房屋照片一鍵轉換為不同風格的渲染效果,例如現代、北歐、工業等,甚至可針對房屋空間的不足之處進行改造與修飾。不僅能夠快速生成專業級的室內渲染圖,還引入了 3D 變裝功能...Real Estate
Chirag Joshichiragjoshi-tech.hashnode.dev·Nov 18, 2024Marching Cubes: Insights into 3D RenderingsOverview of the Marching Cubes Algorithm Marching Cubes is a computer graphics algorithm used for extracting a polygonal mesh from a three-dimensional scalar field (such as a volumetric data set). In simple words, it takes in list of numbers and conv...1 like#marchingcubes
Samuel Msamuel67m.hashnode.dev·Sep 27, 2024Wings Engine and Water Resource Management: Technology Leading the Future of WaterIn an era where water resources are increasingly scarce, managing our water is not just a challenge, but an exciting adventure filled with opportunities. Imagine if we could wield advanced 3D technology like heroes in a game, mastering and managing o...GIS
Samuel Msamuel67m.hashnode.dev·Sep 14, 2024GIS and 3D technology help urban green space planningAs an important part of the urban ecosystem, urban green space plays an irreplaceable role in improving the ecological quality of the city and the quality of life of residents. Japan, as a highly urbanized country, faces the challenges of dense popul...3d
Soulisozzy98.hashnode.dev·Sep 9, 2024Unlock Your Blender Mastery: Essential YouTube Channels and Courses to master blender in 2024You don’t need to spend a dime on Blender courses when there’s an ocean of high-quality, free YouTube content that covers every possible skill set in 2024. If you’re diving into Blender this year, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer number of resou...Blender
Soulisozzy98.hashnode.dev·Sep 9, 2024The 5 Stages of Learning Blender: From Confused Beginner to Passionate Professional for Aspiring 3D…Blender is the future of 3D art Embarking on the journey to master Blender can be both thrilling and challenging. For many, it’s the gateway to creating stunning 3D art, games, and animations. Initially, you’re excited to explore Blender’s free and f...Blender
Soulisozzy98.hashnode.dev·Sep 9, 20244 Small (But Easily Fixable) Mistakes New 3D Artists Make When Starting OutThe greats artists are not the ones with the best gears but the ones with the dicipline, passion and consistency to continue no matter what. Learning 3D as a newbie can be quite intimidating, especially because you don’t know a lot about good tips an...3d
Samuel Msamuel67m.hashnode.dev·Aug 22, 20245 Top GIS Tools - Discover the Power of GISAs Geographic Information System (GIS) technology continues to advance, 3D GIS tools are playing an increasingly important role in the visualization and analysis of geospatial data. These tools not only allow for the display of complex spatial relati...GIS
Samuel Msamuel67m.hashnode.dev·Aug 16, 20245 Best GIS Tools to Unlock the Potential of 3D GISIn the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), 3D technology has revolutionized the way we process and analyze spatial data. With the help of 3D GIS tools, users can not only visualize complex data in a more intuitive way but also perform deta...GIS