Caleb·Mar 17, 2024NextJS recipe: Tracking 404s with Plausible and NextJS App RouterBy default, all pages are statically rendered. If you add any backend or middleware logic to your NextJS page, it will be rendered as a server component. Plausible Analytics requires access to the window object to track 404 events. So create a client...37 readsplausible
Yadvir·Mar 4, 2024Fixing 404 Page Not Found Error on Non-Root Route Reload in ReactWhen deploying a React app with client-side routing to a static hosting service like Netlify, you may encounter a 404 error when reloading pages other than the homepage. This error occurs because the hosting service cannot find the specified route not found
Abhiraj·Apr 27, 2023Understanding HTTP Error Codes: Common Error Messages ExplainedAs a DevOps professional, you're likely familiar with the importance of monitoring and troubleshooting web applications and networks. Whether you're responsible for maintaining the availability and reliability of your company's web services or you're...13 likes·67 readsDevops
Taegu·Jul 28, 2022SPA - Cloudfront + S3 403/404 erroroutline SPA architecture using route53, CloudFront(CNAME) and S3 can occurs 403 error when direct access to sub-path. For normal root routing, 403 or 404 are needed to be redirected to 200 and /index.html. how-to CloudFront Distributions Err...403 forbidden