Elizabeth LolaforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Sep 6, 2024How to Use HTML Attributes to Make Your Websites and Apps More AccessibleHave you ever used an attribute in HTML without fully understanding its purpose? You're not alone! Over time, I've dug into the meaning behind many HTML attributes, especially those that are crucial for accessibility. In this in-depth tutorial, I'll ...DiscussHTML
Francisco Imanol Suarezfsuarez.me·Sep 1, 2024El Atributo alt en Imágenes | AccesibilidadIntroducción El atributo alt ha estado presente desde los inicios del HTML y la creación de aplicaciones web. En este post, exploraremos la importancia del mismo asi como tambien cuales son sus beneficios para mejorar la accesibilidad, y algunos conc...Discussa11y
Elizabeth LolaforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Aug 27, 2024How to Build an Accessible Modal – with Example CodeWe often use modals or popups to display important information or prompt users to take action. Unlike regular pop-ups that can be opened in new windows or tabs, these dialogues keep the user on the same page by overlaying the existing content. This e...Discussa11y
Tiny Octopustinyoctopus.hashnode.dev·Aug 21, 2024How to Build An Accessible Toggle Switch with Modern HTML & CSS (Without JavaScript)When your designer hands you a slick UI featuring toggle switches, your priority is to make sure these switches are accessible. So, how do you go about building an accessible toggle switch without relying on JavaScript? Building an Accessible Toggle ...Discussa11y
Africa Kenyahcodingtherapy.hashnode.dev·Apr 30, 2024Breaking Down Web Accessibility Barriers: What's New in WCAG 2.2?Exploring the New Additions to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.2) In the evolving landscape of web accessibility, staying up-to-date with the latest standards and guidelines is crucial for ensuring inclusivity for all users. The Web ...Discuss·251 readsa11y
freeCodeCampforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Apr 11, 2024How to Write Accessible Technical Documentation – Best Practices with ExamplesBy Ezinne Anne Emilia When you're writing technical documentation for a project or a tool you're working on, you'll want it to be accessible. This means that it will cater to and be usable by the diverse global audience on the web. Web accessibility ...Discussa11y
Homer Gaines, CPACCrightbadcode.com·Mar 16, 2024The WCAG for Content WritersWhere it may appear that accessibility is a design or dev concern, authoring inclusive content is a big part of a project's accessibility efforts. From the document's structure to the relationship between labels and components, content helps lead, in...Discuss·282 readsAccessibility
Dany ParedesProdanywalls.com·Jan 14, 2024Web Accessibility: Working with Images and ContentWhen we create a website, the content is more than just text. As I learned in my previous article, accessibility is about more than just aria-label or alt attributes in images. Sometimes we add more than images, like SVGs, charts, or even consider co...Discuss·12 likes·518 readsfrontendAccessibility
Desiree Bradishdesireejoy.hashnode.dev·Dec 29, 2023Image Accessibility for Screen ReadersWhen we're thinking about images, we think about how lovely they'll look, how they're really going to make our page pop, and maybe even how they can break a up a lot of text to make a site more visually inviting. 👁 👁 When it comes to accessibility,...Discuss·64 readsaccessible code
Sudheer Kumar Reddy GowrigariforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Dec 17, 2023Web Accessibility Best Practices – How to Ensure Everyone Can Use Your WebsiteIn the dynamic world of web development, creating websites that are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is not just a best practice – it's a necessity. Web accessibility ensures that everyone, regardless of their abilities, c...Discussa11y