Huifeng·Sep 22, 2023A quick investigation of AA SDKA quick investigation of AA SDK 背景:要参加黑客松,基于AA做一些想法的探索,所以需要一个AA的SDK选择。 updated:9-19 2023 目标:从下面选择一个适合PoC,可能也适合未来的SDK 要求:可以基于SDK做我们的二次开发 1. SDK可信中立,不依赖特定的中心化的资源(组织、受控合约等) 2. 支持批量部署和批量替换(本次poc核心诉求,应该是工程层面的开发速度要求) 3. 钱包合约内容基于proxy可升级 4. proxy由可信中立控制(初期由...aa
Elisha·May 14, 2023MPC vs AA: The Battle for Web3 UX DominanceWeb3 technology has been making strides in recent years, with the potential to revolutionize how we interact with the internet. One of the key areas of focus has been on improving user experience (UX) by overcoming some of the limitations of traditio...11 likes·99 readsaccount abstraction