Tushar Khannacodertushar.hashnode.dev·Aug 22, 2024Accordion Component in JS & ReactCreating an accordion component in JavaScript is a great way to manage content and improve the user interface. Below is a basic implementation of an accordion component using vanilla JavaScript. HTML Structure: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>...Accordion
Shubhamshubham5.hashnode.dev·Jun 18, 2024How to make Accordion component in React.Namaste everyone!🙏 Hope you are doing well, today we are going to build an Accordion component in react from scratch and without using any external library. Accordion menus are very helpful, you can make a list of items in them. List of inputs like ...Accordion
Abdul Basit Khan (Abdul Basit)abdulbasitblog.hashnode.dev·Jun 15, 2024How to Create an Accordion in React JS Using Tailwind CSSAccordion components are a popular way to organize and present content in a collapsible manner. They help save screen space and make information more accessible to users. In this blog, I'll show you how to create a simple accordion component using Re...38 readsReact
Frontend Clubfrontend-club.hashnode.dev·Jun 11, 2024AccordionCrea un acordeón, usando HTML, CSS y JavaScript. Los acordeones son muy útiles cuando quieres alternar entre ocultar y mostrar una gran cantidad de contenido. Ejemplo https://codepen.io/frontend-club/pen/jOoGPYv Marcado HTML <button class="accordio...Mini projectsAccordion
Piyushpiyusss.hashnode.dev·May 26, 2024Day-15 React with MeHigher Order Component(HOC) A higher-order component (HOC) in React is a pattern for reusing component logic. An HOC is a function that takes a component and returns a new component with additional props or behavior. It’s a way to compose components ...React
OnlineITtutsonlineittuts.hashnode.dev·Dec 10, 2023Create an Accordion Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScripthey guys, today we are going to learn how to create an Accordion using HTML CSS, and JavaScript from scratch. Accordions are widely used in web design to present information in a compact and organized manner. They allow users to toggle between differ...Accordion
Daniel Efedaney.hashnode.dev·Oct 19, 2023How to create a Netflix-like custom accordionThere’s no denying that perfectly designed and functional websites have a higher tendency to attract web users and clients than poorly designed ones, and one of the features of a great website lies in the accordion menu it holds. Yes! Accordion menu...1 like·111 readsHTML5
Julian Ewers-Petersewerspej.hashnode.dev·Aug 21, 2023Three ways to implement an accordion controlIntroduction Accordions are brilliant, and I am not talking about the Austrian-developed musical instrument, which is popular for singing sea shanties in Germany (whether those are 'brilliant' is a matter of musical taste). I am talking about the typ...1 like·3.3K readsdotnet
paulpeekayy.hashnode.dev·Aug 6, 2023Day 4 progress reportAhoy!! amigos, P.k here, so today I completed the task that was giving me a little bit of a tough time, which was building a website component known as an accordion (and no, not the instrument😁). An accordion is a menu composed of vertically stacked...10 likes·27 readsAccordion
Kafui Kumahkafuikumah.hashnode.dev·Jul 2, 2023How To Create An Accordion With Only HTML And CSSIntroduction Accordions are used on many websites all over the internet. While working on a personal project, I wanted to explore how to create one. That led me to use Javascript and a bunch of JQuery. But that was complex.However, HTML can simply do...27 readsAccordion