Oluwatimilehin Alabicyberbishop.hashnode.dev·Feb 11, 2025Building a Cybersecurity LabIn this series, I will document the process of setting up a virtual lab environment as part of a technical assessment I received from [Redacted Company]. While the assessment outlined specific tasks, it did not provide clear instructions on how to im...Building a Cybersecurity Lab: A Technical Assessment#cybersecurity
ZEROzerosama.hashnode.dev·Feb 11, 2025VaultThe Vault machine is a medium-difficulty Active Directory (AD) box hosted on Hack The Box. This machine focuses on exploiting misconfigurations in SMB shares, capturing NTLM hashes, and leveraging privileges for privilege escalation. In this walkthro...Hack The BoxVault
REHAN SAYYEDdignitas.hashnode.dev·Feb 9, 2025ForestIP: Let’s start with the nmap scan. nmap -sC -sV -o nmap Starting Nmap 7.95 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2025-02-09 04:02 EST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.23s latency). Not shown: 988 closed tcp ports (rese...20 likes·54 readsHackTheBoxDACL
REHAN SAYYEDdignitas.hashnode.dev·Feb 7, 2025ActiveIP: Let’s start with the nmap scan nmap -sC -sV -o nmap Starting Nmap 7.95 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2025-02-07 12:40 EST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.27s latency). Not shown: 983 closed tcp ports (reset...20 likesHackTheBoxhacking
ZEROzerosama.hashnode.dev·Feb 3, 2025HokkaidoThe "Hokkaido" machine provided a comprehensive learning experience in Active Directory exploitation. By combining enumeration, credential harvesting, and privilege escalation techniques, I successfully compromised the target system. Try solving this...Proving GroundsActive Directory
Ronald Bartelshubandspoke.amastelek.com·Jan 25, 2025🛜Securing Business Wi-Fi | Why Authentication Beats Shared Passwords🧑💻Wi-Fi connectivity is essential for modern businesses, but how you secure that connectivity is even more critical. Many businesses still rely on shared passwords for their Wi-Fi networks, a practice that exposes them to significant security risks, op...1 likewifi
SUJIT KUMAR SAHOOsujitsahoo85.hashnode.dev·Jan 6, 2025Why Cross-Domain Trust is Beneficial for Businesses1. Resource Sharing: Cross-domain trusts allow users in one domain to access resources (such as files, printers, and applications) in another domain without needing separate credentials for each domain. This facilitates seamless collaboration and res...#sujit kumar sahoo
SUJIT KUMAR SAHOOsujitsahoo85.hashnode.dev·Jan 5, 2025Why Fine-Grained Passwords Matter: A Comprehensive GuideWhat is fine-grained password and why it is required? A fine-grained password policy is an advanced approach to managing password security within an organization. Unlike a standard policy that applies uniform password rules to all users, a fine-grain...#fine-grained password policy
Murphy Eloamanlikemurphy.hashnode.dev·Jan 4, 2025Case Study: Automating Employee Onboarding in a Hybrid Setup using Power AutomateOverview In this tutorial, we’ll set up an automated onboarding solution to streamline the process of adding new employees to organizational systems. We will use AgroVisionLabs, a fictitious agricultural technology company, as a case study. AgroVisio...43 readspower-automate
elc4br4elc4br4.hashnode.dev·Dec 23, 2024Doraemon - Active Directory CTFReconocimiento Reconocimiento de Puertos Como de costumbre comenzaremos realizando un primer reconocimiento de puertos con la herramienta nmap para ver que puertos abiertos tiene la máquina y comenzar con la enumeración pertinente. nmap -p- -Pn -n -s...1 likeActive DirectoryCTF Writeup