Michael Kearnsleekanarchism.hashnode.dev·Jan 7, 2024Setting up the Pi Tiny Thermal Printer (Zijiang ZJ-58)I recently acquired a Tiny Thermal Receipt Printer from ThePiHut. Setting it up with my Raspberry Pi 6 via USB was mostly straightforward, with a few small hiccups. Setup I followed this guide from Adafruit. Despite the warnings about the guide being...DiscussRaspberry Pi
Lukas Krimphovekrimphove.site·Mar 1, 2023Monitoring Air Quality With the Raspberry Pi Pico W — Part 2: Collecting and Visualizing the DataWhere have we left? If you followed along with my last story, you now should have a Raspberry Pi Pico W that can measure temperature, humidity, and an approximation of the carbon dioxide concentration. https://krimphove.site/blog/monitoring-your-air-...Discussadafruit