윤정민forCodeSnapcodesnapmag.hashnode.dev·Dec 30, 2024Advent of Code 커뮤니티에서 즐거운 시간 보내기 - 신입 기술 개발자의 삶 #2원문: Mary Lo, "Life as a Graduate Tech Developer #2: Having fun in the Advent of Code community" 이번 달 초 IMG 아레나의 대졸 신입사원 프로그램(graduate programme)을 수료하고 주니어 소프트웨어 엔지니어가 되었습니다! 프로그램은 끝났지만 기억에 남는 순간들을 글로 옮기고 싶었어요. 신입 개발자 시리즈의 두 번째 이야기 "커뮤니티의 도움을 받은 첫 Ad...13 likes·27 readsDecember 2024Graduate Programme
Christopher Johnsonwww.thatamazingprogrammer.com·Dec 17, 2024Building a Real-Time Santa's Workshop Tracker with SignalR and .NET 9This blog post is part of the 2024 C# Advent Calendar. Go check out the other 49 great posts after you read mine, of course. 🎄🎅 Ho Ho Ho! Welcome to Santa's Coding Workshop! 🧝♂️💻 'Tis the season to be jolly... and to code! Grab your candy cane ...1 like·827 readsC# Advent CalendarSignalR
Leonevolving.dev·Nov 30, 2024Introduction - Advent of Code 2024Solve puzzles, strengthen your coding skills, and embrace the process. This Advent of Code series explores challenges, mistakes, and solutions, with insights into problem-solving and coding in Go. Let’s grow together! What is the “Advent of Code”? A...Advent of Code 2024#advent-of-code
Kéwankewan.hashnode.dev·Dec 3, 2023Advent of Code 2023On est en décembre, c'est bientôt noel. Mais pour nous faire patientier, il y a quelque chose que nous apprécions tous: le calendrier de l'avant. Vous en avez peut-être un, avec un chocolat chaque matin. Mais connaissez-vous Advent of Code ? Advent o...#advent-of-code
Liam Gowerliamgower.hashnode.dev·Dec 2, 2023Advent of Code 2023: Day 1Advent of Code is a free, annual coding event where each day in December there are a series of coding and problem solving challenges to solve. This year I've decided to blog my experience and the key learnings. I am coding it all in Python but many o...43 readsAdvent of Code 2023Python
Maciek Sitkowskisitek94.hashnode.dev·Dec 5, 2022Advent of Code - preparing input dataWhen solving Advent of Code puzzles, sometimes you will come across an input data, that consist of two parts: configuration and instructions: [S] [C] [Z] [F] [J] [P] [T] [N] [G] [H] [G] [Q] [G] [D] ...46 reads#advent-of-code