Ajay Veerabommaajayveerabomma.hashnode.dev·Sep 11, 2024Introduction to Vector Databases: How They Work and Why They MatterWhat is Vector Database A vector database is a collection of data stored as mathematical representations. Vector databases make it easier for machine learning models to remember previous inputs, allowing machine learning to be used to power search, r...DiscussData Science
Divyansh Khilaridivyanshkhilari.hashnode.dev·Sep 10, 2024Day1 & Day2 of learning ai ml in 1 year (or 1.5)Hi, I’m Divyansh (or you can call me N0X). I’m 18 years old, and I just started college. In high school, I didn’t accomplish much, so I decided to learn AI/ML. I plan to get an internship in my second year to learn new things. My ultimate goal is to ...Discuss·1 likeai/ml-series
Abhay Kouloevortex.hashnode.dev·Aug 9, 2024How to Pre-train AI Model with HelpingAI ArchitectureHello, amazing AI enthusiasts! 👋 Ready to embark on an exciting journey of pre-training an AI model using the innovative HelpingAI architecture? Let's dive in! 🌊💻 Step 1: Set Up Your Environment 🛠️ First, let's get everything ready! We'll clone t...Discuss·1 likeAI ML
Bhavik Prajapatibhavikprajapati.hashnode.dev·Aug 1, 2024The Transformative Power of AI and ML in Modern Business StrategyAs the digital landscape evolves at an unprecedented pace, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are no longer mere buzzwords—they are pivotal elements driving innovation and competitive edge in today's business environment. These te...DiscussAI ML
Shaique Hossainshaique7.hashnode.dev·Jul 31, 2024A* Algorithm in AIThe A* algorithm in AI is a popular pathfinding and graph traversal technique in AI. It aims to find the shortest path from a start node to a goal node by combining the strengths of Dijkstra's algorithm and Greedy Best-First-Search. A* uses a heurist...DiscussData Science
Shaique Hossainshaique7.hashnode.dev·Jul 31, 20248 Puzzle Problem in AIThe 8 Puzzle Problem in AI involves arranging numbered tiles on a 3x3 grid to achieve a specific goal configuration, usually in ascending order with the blank space at the bottom right. It is a classic example of a state space problem, where each til...DiscussAI
YERRA VENKAT PRAVEEN MALLIKvenkatpraveens06.hashnode.dev·Jul 31, 2024Machine Learning DefinitionMachine learning is the systematic study of algorithms and systems that improve their knowledge or performance with experience.DiscussAI
YERRA VENKAT PRAVEEN MALLIKvenkatpraveens06.hashnode.dev·Jul 30, 2024what is mean by AIML ?Explained SimplyAIML stands for Artificial Intelligence Markup Language. It is a XML-based language that is used to create conversational agents or chatbots. AIML defines a set of rules for pattern matching and responding to text inputs, allowing the chatbot to simu...DiscussAI
Sujit Nirmal blackshadow.hashnode.dev·Jul 26, 2024Exploring the Latest Trends in Machine Learning for 2024Introduction Machine learning continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with new trends and technologies emerging every year. In this blog, we will explore the latest trends in machine learning for 2024, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of...Discuss#machine learning trends
rajneel chougulerajneelchougule.hashnode.dev·Jul 5, 2024One Hot Encoding : scikit-learn VS PandasIntroduction One-hot encoding is a process that transforms categorical variables into a set of binary columns. Each category becomes a new column, and a 1 or 0 indicates the presence or absence of that category for each data point. Why it's import...Discuss·11 likesMachine Learning