Burpburp.hashnode.dev·Jan 2, 2025Asistentes de voz en el móvilComo usuario intensivo del terminal móvil en general y con auriculares en particular; me interesaba mucho ver la posibilidades que podía aportar la nueva aplicación iA de Gemini como asistente de voz respecto al tradicional de Google. Y ya de paso, h...gemini
Burpburp.hashnode.dev·Dec 2, 2024IA y Matter para una domótica local y privadaDe la Inteligencia Artificial (la auténtica) pueden y se dicen muchas cosas. Pero hay tres que -en mi ignorancia- considero irrefrenables: Está llegando, va a quedarse y será absolutamente transversal. Y dentro de esa transversalidad, uno de los camp...altavoces inteligentes
Kesba Irvineblog.kezzi.co·Sep 25, 2024Why AI Awareness Matters:We live in a time where tech is more than just a tool; it's woven into the fabric of our daily lives. And as AI becomes a bigger part of that, understanding what AI actually is—and what it isn't—is crucial. AI awareness is about being able to spot AI...AI Literacy 101 📚Weakai
Omid EidivandiforServerless Folks Blogsblogs.serverlessfolks.com·Apr 30, 2024Integrate Bedrock With Alexa skillPreviously I wrote an article about Bedrock ( Suspicious message detection ) and enjoyed it a lot since, while playing with the different models provided, as part of amusement, playing with text was one of the cool parts. The Mistral 7B model sounds ...AI
Omid Eidivandiserverlessfolks.com·Mar 17, 2024Integrate Bedrock With Alexa skillPreviously I wrote an article about Bedrock ( Suspicious message detection ) and enjoyed it a lot since, while playing with the different models provided, as part of amusement, playing with text was one of the cool parts. The Mistral 7B model sounds ...345 readsAI
Aaishika S Bhattacharyablogs.aaishika.com·Dec 16, 2023Unsolicited Amazon Echoes: A Short StoryI have always been a big fan of automation and making things "smart". Except, I have never had to "buy" an Amazon Echo device, and at this moment, I own four of them. Let me give you some insight into how I acquired each one and what I do with these ...1 like·78 readsAlexa
Sarancogniziv.com·Sep 22, 2023Introducing Microsoft 365 CopilotWhat's Inside Introducing Microsoft 365 Copilot & Bing Chat Enterprise Amazon brings AI features to Alexa Enhanced Search Capabilities with OCI Vision in Oracle APEX Scientists successfully maneuver robots through living lung tissue Introducing...copilot
Jeremiah Igramijegrami.hashnode.dev·May 12, 2023How to build and deploy your own Alexa skill with PythonAlexa is Amazon’s popular cloud-based voice service built on Ivona, a Polish speech synthesizer that Amazon bought back in 2013. The skills are the functionalities you build into the Alexa device. With them, you can enable Alexa to perform some routi...1 like·31 readsAWS
Toshutoshu.hashnode.dev·Mar 25, 2023My First Alexa SkillComing from a web developer background (PHP to be specific) it was a bit confusing about where to start and what to build. Especially when you are first time using Alexa itself. It was mid 2020 the whole world was facing this pandemic, every day look...41 readsAlexa
Fatih Yıldızmfyz.hashnode.dev·Aug 22, 2022How Google had almost 10 years' head start on voice assistants and lost its competition to AmazonThis is one of the areas that I get angry at Google where it used to be leading this category and clearly fell behind in the competition. Voice assistants are not new. Google introduced dictation and voice assistants in the Android ecosystem many ye...42 readsAlexa