·Dec 23, 2024Git, Github CLI, and aliasesStarting with Git 1. Download Git Go to the official Git website: Click on the Download for Windows button. Once the download is complete, open the installer. 2. Install Git Run the Installer: Double-click the downloaded .exe file ...7 likes·53 readsGitHub
Girish·Dec 18, 2024How to Create Git Aliases That Will Save You Hours!Introduction Git is an indispensable tool for developers, but let’s be real—some of the commands can get pretty verbose and repetitive. Thankfully, Git has a feature called aliases that can save you time and keystrokes. By setting up Git aliases, you...Git
Karthi·Nov 3, 2024Optimizing Your Workflow with Aliases in .cshrc: A Guide for Efficient Command-Line ManagementUsing aliases in a .cshrc (C shell resource) file is a common practice to improve efficiency and streamline repetitive tasks. Let's explore the purpose, usage, benefits, and differences between .cshrc and other shell configuration files like .bashrc,...cshrc
Anik Kumar·Oct 20, 2024How to Set Bash Aliases for Git Commands on WindowsIn this blog post, I’ll walk you through setting up Git command aliases in a Windows environment by creating a .bashrc file. This file allows you to add shortcuts and customizations, making your workflow more efficient. We’ll also cover some Git-spec...2 likes·127 readsgithub alias
Maxat·Oct 14, 2024AWS Route 53 Alias vs CNAME RecordsA CNAME (Canonical Name) record is a type of DNS record used to alias one domain name to another. When a DNS resolver encounters a CNAME record, it will replace the original domain with the target domain and make a new DNS query for the target. For e...58 readsawsDevops·Oct 14, 2024Gestionar el correo electrónico mediante alias con SimpleLoginCuestiones sobre la privacidad y gestión del correo electrónico ya las hemos tratado en un par de entradas (ver los enlaces remarcados). En ambos casos se comenta el concepto y uso de alias de correo de forma más o menos tangencial. Por eso ahora me ...alias email
Shani·Sep 24, 20245-Minute Coffee Tip #0: How to Create an Alias CommandSince I have been doing a lot of programming in Python lately that I have to create a new virtual environments for, I have to enter in a really long command and then I need to activate it with another really long command. It’s becoming quite tedious....alias
Maxi·Aug 29, 2024Code Smell 266 - Collection AliasingTL;DR: Use immutable collections to prevent unintended side effects. Problems Unpredictable behavior Debugging challenges Data corruption Violation of the Principle of Least Astonishment Premature optimization Unexpected Mutations Concurrency probl...Code Smellsclean code
Md Sakib Sadman·Aug 25, 2024How to Update Your Linux Machine with Just One CommandEver find yourself typing out sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y and wondering why it feels like such a chore, even if you can type it in a couple of seconds? What if I told you that you could reduce that entire command to just typing update? Yes, ...Small ProblemsLinux
Brett·Jul 12, 2024Alias for the clojure.string NamespaceIn Clojure, it's possible to alias a namespace in so many ways. You can read more at []( I'm used to seeing the alias for the namespace clojure.string as str. I haven't been coding much late...29 readsClojure