Nile·Sep 12, 2024AS Keyword in SQL ServerThe SQL Server database management system is widely used for storing and managing data in relational databases. One of the most essential yet simple keywords in SQL Server is AS, used primarily for aliasing. While the AS keyword may appear straightfo...DiscussSQL
Cillian·Jun 30, 2024Terminal Aliases for Flutter & GitSome maybe more so than others, but typically as developers we use our terminals frequently to complete tasks. Sometimes these tasks have the exact same set of steps, other times the order might of steps might change. If the commands and their order ...Discuss·6 likes·125 readsFlutter Wrapper
Shani·May 15, 2024Using Python Libraries: Essential TipsA library in Python is a reusable chunk of code that you may want to include in your programs and projects. Libraries provide pre-written functionality, a group of modules, which saves you writing code for those functions that are already defined in ...DiscussPython 3
Afridi·Mar 23, 2024Profile FilesProfile files are hidden files (starting with a dot) in Linux/RHEL that define your shell environment. They control settings like environment variables, aliases (shortcuts for commands), and terminal behavior. These files are processed in a specific ...DiscussLinux AlchemySystem-wide profiles
Tafadzwa·Sep 24, 2023Mastering Command-Line Efficiency with AliasesPicture this: Instead of typing git push, you unleash an alias - gp, and bam! Your Git updates are sailing smoothly with just a couple of keystrokes. gcb branchName , and you navigate to the desired branch instead of having to type out git checkout...Discusscommand line
Elucian MoiseforProgramming·Aug 17, 2023Bash AliasesBash aliases allow you to define shortcut names for often-used commands. They can save a lot of typing, especially for long command names. Here's how you define a bash alias: alias alias_name='command' For example, to define an alias for the ls comm...DiscussBash Fundamentalsbash script
Matthew·Jun 17, 2023Gmail Aliases: Unlocking the Secret to Inbox Organization and ControlI found a lot of really cool features while digging around in various online services, but one that I discovered in Gmail is particularly awesome. Ever wondered shady website you signed up for sold your email address and who you should be angry with?...Discuss·62 readsgmail
Shivangam·May 2, 2023Simplifying Module Imports in Vite React TypeScript with AliasesAs our Vite React TypeScript projects grow in complexity, we often find ourselves importing modules from various directories. Writing out long relative paths can be tedious and make our code less readable. Fortunately, there's a solution—aliases. Wit...Discuss·3 likes·1.2K readsReactReact
Pratik·Dec 2, 2022Git AliasesGit is the most widely used Version Control System (VCS) or Source Code Management(SCM) software. It is a day-to-day go-to tool for many developers. Many developers use a terminal/command line to operate it. In the terminal, we type git commands git ...Discuss·141 readsGit
Sebin·Sep 6, 2022Make the most out of Linux Shell AliasesAliases are a powerful and convenient way to reduce the time that you need to spend typing out long commands. It makes your life easier as a Linux user by essentially reducing lines of complex group of commands that are piped together down to a lette...Discuss·1 like·154 readsLinux