Rashmin Mudunkotuwarashm1n.hashnode.dev·May 18, 2022Creating JAX-RS RESTful APIs with Apache CXF and TomcatIntroduction Apache CXF is a opensource web services framework which supports multiple types of APIs such as JAX-RS (REST) and JAX-WS (SOAP) and multple transports such as HTTP and JMS. Apache CXF is compliant with the JAX-RS which is a Java EE speci...Java
Ronny Bräunlichblog.code-n-roll.dev·May 25, 2014Consuming arbitrary remote services with the OSGiELResolver (camunda BPM OSGi)In my last blog post I promised to give a slightly more advanced example about how to use the new OSGiELResolver. And as I promised, here it is ;-) Prerequisites The setup is quite simple. We have three bundles: API Service Provider Service Cons...camunda