Vivek·Feb 1, 2025What did I work on in January?I think it's time to document everything work-related. I am not sure if I can add the links to my work here, I’ll ask my boss. What happened in January? I primarily worked on two major tasks: Deploying a React-Django app (which I built end to end) t...Django
Anjanesh·Nov 17, 2024apache2 and httpd being run on macOS simultaneouslyThis is a simple post mainly for my notes incase I need to recapitulate what should be done to restore running of my virtually hosted websites on my laptop. Ever since I installed httpd on my macOS 15.1 using homebrew and configured my virtual hosts ...apache2·Sep 18, 2024setup apache2 with reverse proxybiasanya bila aku develop system backend kita perlu kan frontend untuk mapping data atau query dari end user. so masa proses communication backend via frontend ni selalunya hacker akan cuba exploit atau buat finger printing nak probe info apa yang ka...apache2
Oke kolawole·Sep 14, 2024Basic Apache2 ConfigurationManaging web servers is one of the most common tasks systems administrators and Software Engineers have in common. The web server could be hosting an informational website, a content management system, or even a full blown e-commerce site. Whatever t...apache2
Diwash·Aug 4, 2024Develop a Local Server and Deploy Your Website Publicly for FreeIn the previous blog I have shown how can you create your own development environment in your LAN. You can utilize your old computer hardware and convert it to LAN server with shared files across the network. Now In this blog I will show you how can ...1 likeLinux
Abhay·Jun 26, 2024Create a image which runs on port 8080 apache2 & nginxCreating an image that runs both Apache HTTP Server (Apache2) and NGINX on port 8080 is an interesting challenge in containerization and web server management. Here's a comprehensive guide that explores how to achieve this, covering Dockerfile creati...1 like·74 readsDocker
Vishal·Jun 17, 2024Configuring URL Redirection and Reverse Proxy in Apache2 for Ubuntu UsersHello DevOps Enthusiasts, As a Senior DevOps Engineer, one of the essential tasks I often handle involves configuring web servers for URL redirection and setting up reverse proxies. Apache2, a robust and highly customizable web server, is a popular c...1 like·33 readsredirection url
Joshua·Mar 21, 2024Terraforming AWSToday is progressing in an interesting direction, but first we start with some debugging: This puzzled me at first, as I had JUST gone through selecting the region - following the documentation, and successfully created a server through the web cons...Terraform
Adaeze·Feb 22, 2024Install, Configure, and Host a Custom Website on Apache2 Web Server, with Ubuntu, Using AWS EC2 InstanceIntroduction Ubuntu provides the foundation and infrastructure necessary to run web server software like Apache2, enabling it to serve web content to clients over the internet. We will be covering Installing, Configuring, and Hosting a Custom Website...5 likes·310 readsapache2
Lalrinfela·Nov 2, 2023Installing LAMP stack manually using apt.Installing any kind of software or applications can be challenging in a Linux environment. I will be writing some guidelines to install some services required for a web development stack. To install any kind of software into a Linux system, it is alw...27 readsLAMP stack project