James Thomasjamestechblog.hashnode.dev·Feb 4, 2025How Appium Automation Improves LG webOS TV TestingSmart TVs are adapting to the expectations for performance and quality. Consumers now demand a seamless experience on their LG webOS TVs, with quick responses, intuitive interfaces, and minimal bugs. Testing these smart TVs has become crucial to ensu...LG webOS TV Testing
Steve Worthamstevewortham.hashnode.dev·Oct 18, 2024Complete Appium Inspector Tutorial For Testing Mobile AppsIt supports multiple programming languages and has a handy utility called the Appium Inspector. Appium Inspector allows users to inspect the UI of a mobile app, helping them to evaluate key UI elements such as buttons, images, form fields, etc. acros...Testing
Sam Atinksonsamatinkson.hashnode.dev·Sep 17, 2024A Comprehensive Guide to Appium 2.0 MigrationIn mobile app development, keeping up with the latest advancements in testing tools is crucial. A significant upgrade in automation testing is the release of Appium 2.0. With its myriad enhancements and new features, migrating to Appium 2 is essentia...Appium testing
Pavlo Datsiukpavlodatsiuk.hashnode.dev·Sep 2, 2024Implementing a Simple Appium Backdoor Compatible with Plugin.Maui.UITestHelpers for .NET MAUIDuring my transition from Xamarin to .NET MAUI, I encountered a significant challenge: rewriting the UI tests for my app. Like many other Xamarin developers, I relied heavily on Xamarin.UITest. However, after reading this article, I discovered that A...164 readsuitest
Sameera De Silvasadesilva.hashnode.dev·May 4, 2024How to start Appium Server in macOS via Java code?For that you could use below code. Tip- Type which appium command in Mac Terminal to get appiumPath package com.test; import io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy; import io.appium.java_client.android.AndroidDriver; import io.appium.java_client.android.opt...Appium automation
Abhayabhayit2000.hashnode.dev·May 3, 2024Pros and Cons of Appium - Reviews and General Overview [2024]Appium continues to be a leading tool in the mobile app testing domain, offering a versatile platform for testing Android and iOS applications. As we move into 2024, evaluating how Appium stands in the current tech landscape is crucial, considering t...appium
Wasiq Bhamlawasiqbhamla12.hashnode.dev·Mar 3, 2023How To Automate Android Apps Using AppiumIn this age where new technologies are coming up rapidly, it’s very important to keep up with speed and ensure the highest application quality is delivered to the customers. If we see the user base of different operating systems, we can see that Andr...Appium testing
sunil patroqavbox.hashnode.dev·Feb 28, 2023Automate hybrid mobile app using appium (Android & IOS)In our previous blog post, we have seen how to inspect the hybrid mobile apps using appium inspector. In this post, we will discuss how to use appium methods to switch between NATIVE_APP and WEB_VIew contexts and automate the hybrid app elements and ...69 readsappium
sunil patroqavbox.hashnode.dev·Feb 28, 2023Guide to inspect hybrid mobile apps in appium inspectorIn this post we will see how to inspect and automate hybrid mobile applications for Android and IOS. Handling Android and IOS hybrid apps are pretty similar in nature. Prerequisite – Install appium uiautomator2 and xcuitest driver Download appium i...938 readsappium
Himanshu Pandeyjobreadyqa.hashnode.dev·Feb 10, 2023Tools you need to install for running iOS tests using Appium - a beginner's guide1. Introduction There are plenty of permutations possible which involve Android+iOS devices (Real/Virtual/Cloud-based) where the Client is running of different OS. Appium server running locally or on a remote server There is a need for all of the abo...27 readsappium