Akash De Alwiszencode002.hashnode.dev·Jun 30, 2024Java Collections FrameworkThe Java Collections Framework (JCF) is an important part of Java that provides classes and interfaces to work with objects in a collection. Understanding collections is important for all undergraduate students who want to write code that is both eff...DiscussJava
Vineeth Chivukulavineethchivukula.hashnode.dev·Jun 23, 2024Understanding Java ArrayList for DSAArrayList is a fundamental part of the Java Collections Framework, providing a dynamic array implementation of the List interface. It allows for storing and manipulating a collection of elements, with the ability to grow and shrink dynamically as nee...DiscussArrayList
Raaj Aryanraajaryan.tech·Jun 5, 2024How to Merge Two Arrays in Java: A Simple GuideMerging two arrays is a common operation in Java, often encountered in various programming tasks. This article explores multiple methods to merge two arrays in Java, catering to different preferences and scenarios. Method 1: Using Predefined Function...DiscussJava
getlearntechgetlearntech.hashnode.dev·May 28, 2024ArrayList in Java: A Comprehensive GuideJava, a widely-used programming language, offers various data structures to manage collections of objects. Among these, ArrayList stands out due to its dynamic nature and ease of use. In this article, we delve into the fundamentals of ArrayList, its ...DiscussJava
Ashish Thakurashisht.hashnode.dev·May 23, 2024Java ArrayList: Important Methods You Should KnowJava ArrayList: Key Methods to Know Let's create a Java class named ArrayListMethods with various methods for creating and manipulating ArrayLists of different data types. The class contains static methods for creating ArrayLists of integers, strings...Discussarray
Ashish Thakurashisht.hashnode.dev·May 19, 2024Traversing Techniques in ArrayList Java Collections// Dynamic array -- ArrayList: // 1: The size is dynamic. // 2: It allows duplicates. // 3: Storing null is permissible. // 4: It enables random access to elements due to index-based storage. // 5: ArrayList is...Discuss·26 readsJava
Gulshan Kumarperfinsights.hashnode.dev·May 11, 2024K-th Smallest Prime FractionYou are given a sorted integer array arr containing 1 and prime numbers, where all the integers of arr are unique. You are also given an integer k. For every i and j where 0 <= i < j < arr.length, we consider the fraction arr[i] / arr[j]. Return the ...DiscussJava SolutionJava
Bharat Kumarbharat2044.hashnode.dev·Apr 3, 2024What is ArrayList in java and how to create and all predefined methods and different ways to print ArrayList element?In Java, ArrayList is a resizable-array implementation of the List interface. It's part of the java.util package. Unlike arrays, ArrayList can dynamically grow and shrink in size as elements are added or removed. Here are some key characteristics of ...Discuss·1 likeJava
SATYAsatya01.hashnode.dev·Feb 25, 2024Arraylist.Introduction to ArrayList. Java ArrayList is a part of the Java collection framework and it is a class of java.util package. The ArrayList class is a resizable array. The ArrayList can grow and shrink as needed. When elements are added or removed, th...DiscussJava
YASH SHARMAsiuuu.hashnode.dev·Feb 3, 2024Arrays (for first-timers)Definition: Imagine an array as a fancy way to organize a bunch of stuff. It's like having a row of labeled boxes where you can put different things. Each box has a number, starting from 0, so it's like the boxes are in a lineup. Let's say you're a g...Discuss·47 readsarray