Danny Crastoblog.danwald.me·Jul 16, 2024Upgrade asdf's pythonIt's a fairly straight forward process to upgrade a python version in asdf. asdf update asdf install python <version> asdf global python <version> However I kept running into the follow when installing pipx pip install pipx ERROR: Could not find an ...DiscussPython
Lalrinfela Pachuaulazara.hashnode.dev·May 6, 2024Multiple ways to install nodejs in Linux systemsNodeJS is the most popoular JavaScirpt runtime environment in the development world. There are also a bunch of nodejs alternatives like Deno and Bun. But today we will be focusing on nodejs only. There are several ways to install nodejs in a Linux ba...DiscussNode.js
Lucas Stollertheright.dev·Feb 26, 2024Getting Started with Ruby: A Beginner's Guide to Installation and Basic ProgramsWelcome to my ruby course. After a long time, I decided to teach Ruby here on my blog! I divided the course between weekly chapters. At the end of each chapter, I will let the last and next one link (if they exist at the moment). Just to mention that...Discuss·91 readsRuby