David Sanzdbaenlasombra.com·Jun 25, 2024Monitorización de disco ASMHola, pongo aquí un script que utilizo para monitorizar ASM de forma fácil y que enviara un email en caso que cumpla un requisito, en este caso tengo definido cuando este un 80% de ocupación o más. #!/bin/sh . /home/oracle/.bashrc getInfo_Disk() { ...Discuss·1 like·58 readsOCIOracle
Elucian MoiseforProgramming Languagessagecode.hashnode.dev·Sep 24, 2023ASM DebuggingDebugging assembly code involves the following steps: Compiling the assembly code with debug symbols. This allows the debugger to map the instructions back to the source code. Using an assembly language debugger. Some popular ones are: gdb (GNU De...Discuss·119 readsAssembly FundamentalsAssembly
Elucian MoiseforProgramming Languagessagecode.hashnode.dev·Sep 21, 2023ASM SubprogramsSubprograms or subroutines are a useful concept in assembly language programming. They allow breaking down a large program into smaller, manageable parts. Some main types of subprograms in assembly language are: Procedures: These are similar to func...Discussasm
Elucian MoiseforProgramming Languagessagecode.hashnode.dev·Sep 15, 2023ASM InstructionsHere are some important x86 assembly language instructions you need to learn: mov - This is the move instruction. It is used to move data from one register or memory location to another register or memory location. add - This is the add instruction. ...Discuss·64 readsAssembly Fundamentalsasm
Ayush Bulbuleayushbulbule.hashnode.dev·Mar 15, 2023Writing your first Assembly ProgramHello, readers! 👋 I am Ayush Bulbule, and I am excited to start a new blog series that will serve as a tutorial for learning Assembly Language. I know some of you might think that Assembly Language is complex and hard to understand, but don't worry,...Discuss·10 likesAssembly
Manikandan RforCloudnloud Tech Communityblog.cloudnloud.com·Sep 25, 2022F5 ASM Technical Series - Episode 1F5 License: When purchased from a vendor or obtained directly from F5, an F5 license is perpetual. Unlike evaluation and demonstration licenses, which have a defined expiration date, production licenses have no such restriction. Why is this topic req...Discuss·3 likes·472 readsasm
Manikandan RforCloudnloud Tech Communityblog.cloudnloud.com·Aug 22, 2022F5 ASM Technical SeriesIntroduction: F5 BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM) is a web application firewall that protects web apps and data from known and unknown security threats, vulnerabilities and bots. BIG-IP ASM is a powerful web application firewall that protect...Discuss·340 reads#F5
Embedsys Weeklyembeddedsystems.hashnode.dev·Jun 3, 2022Embedded Systems Weekly #103Two weeks ago I started to talk about the addition of a new section to the website. It is becoming real, and I'm happy to let you know that it will happen next week. There will be included for our inspiration the inside of the personal lab of an elec...Discussembedded
陈连生breestealth.hashnode.dev·Mar 3, 2020关于敏捷的慢思考(4)上一篇我们说到敏捷中的一些误解,今天我们主要来谈谈国内一个绕不过去的坎儿,那就是认证考试。 认证考试是什么 这种事情,国人说第二,其他国家没有人敢说自己是第一。没错就是这么自信。 一言蔽之,认证考试就是通过某种考试的方式,拿到某个机构(一般来说全球通用,当然国内的软考算是奇葩,按下不表)的认可,即认可你在某个领域到达了某个水平。大概就这么个事儿。 根据这个定义,我们就能很轻松的回答敏捷认证的逻辑了,直接套用就是,通过某个机构认证,证明我们在某个领域方面达到了该机构认可的水平,并被授予证书。这个证...Discussasm