Rakesh Kumar Paridarakesh99.hashnode.dev·Sep 14, 2024Simple Explanation of Async-Await in JavaScriptWhat is Async ? Async means Asynchronous. As we already know that, by default JavaScript is a single threaded, synchronous programming language. It means, It executes the code line by line and It will only move to the next line after completing the e...Discuss·1 likeJavaScript
Sagnik Santrasagnik.hashnode.dev·Sep 12, 2024Understanding Async and Promises in JavaScript: A Fun Dive Into the World of Asynchronous ProgrammingJavaScript is a quirky language. From the way it handles callbacks to how it dances around synchronous and asynchronous tasks, it can sometimes feel like navigating through a maze. But have no fear—by the end of this blog, async/await and promises wi...DiscussJavaScript
Piyush kantforByte by Byte Learningbytebybytelearning.hashnode.dev·Sep 8, 2024Conquer Asynchronous Code: Mastering JavaScript Promises & Async/AwaitIntroduction JavaScript's asynchronous nature can be both a blessing and a curse. As developers, we need efficient ways to handle operations that take time—like API calls, file handling, and setTimeout functions—without freezing the entire code execu...DiscussJavaScript
VISHWAJEET SINGHbelivision.hashnode.dev·Sep 7, 2024Async / Await in JavascriptJavaScript is single-threaded, which means it can do only one thing at a time.So to handle tasks that take time (like fetching data from a server), JavaScript uses asynchronous programming, which allows the program to continue running while waiting f...DiscussJavaScript
Gaurav Sharmamakesalesforceeasy.hashnode.dev·Sep 5, 2024Async, Sync , Await and Promises in JavascriptSynchronous vs. Asynchronous Functions: Synchronous Function: A synchronous function follows a sequential process, where each step happens one after the other, in a fixed order. Let's say we are preparing a banana shake. First, we take the jar, then ...Discuss·1 likeJavaScript
shivam kumar1thenameisshivam.hashnode.dev·Sep 4, 2024Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript: Real-World Applications of Promise.allSettled vs. Promiss.allasync/await: Basically async/await is a syntactical sugar build on top of promises, It was introduce in ES2017 . It provides more readability as compare to promises. It provides a way to write a Asynchronous code in synchronous style. Let's take a re...Discuss·10 likespromise.allSettled
Aditya Dubeyadityadubey.cloud·Sep 2, 2024Techniques for Faster API Calls for DynamoDB in PythonIntroduction Github: https://github.com/adityawdubey/Techniques-for-Faster-API-Calls-for-DynamoDB-in-Python With databases, how fast data operations work is important to overall performance — a point which matters even more when using cloud-based dat...Discuss·11 likes·129 readsPython
Tom Huibregtseblog.tomhuibregtse.com·Sep 1, 2024FeaturedA Minimal ASGI ServerASGI stands for Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface. It is a successor to Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI). It adds support for async handlers. Both ASGI and WSGI servers act as middleware, a piece of technology that sits in between two other te...Kahlan Guha and 1 other are discussing this2 people are discussing thisDiscuss·28 likes·971 readsPython
Hemanth KumarforHemanth Kumar's blogwebdevanddevops.hashnode.dev·Aug 31, 2024Understanding Promises, Async/Await, and the Evolution from CallbacksINTRODUCTION JavaScript has evolved significantly over the years, especially in how it handles asynchronous operations. In this blog, we'll explore the journey from callbacks to Promises, and finally, to the modern async/await syntax. Understanding t...DiscussJavaScript
Saurav Shrivastavsaurav23.hashnode.dev·Aug 30, 2024Understanding the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and Its Impact on Threading in PythonWhat is the GIL? The Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a mutex that protects access to Python objects, preventing multiple native threads from executing Python bytecode simultaneously. The GIL exists because CPython, the reference implementation of Py...Discuss·10 likesPython