Ahamad Tawsif Chowdhuryahamad.hashnode.dev·7 hours agoTop 5 Python Libraries for Automating Tasks in Any Small BusinessRunning an online tuition business means planning, implementing and maintaining lots of little repetitive tasks such as scheduling lessons, tracking payments and organising student records. Doing this manually step by step can be tedious, time consum...Python
Akinola Matthewmatthewakinola.hashnode.dev·10 hours agoWrite Terraform Like a ProOnce upon a time, there were two developers: Alex and Sam. Both were tasked with managing their company’s cloud infrastructure on AWS. Alex loved the AWS Management Console—clicking buttons, configuring resources, and watching everything come to life...Terraform
Gaurav Kumarautomating-omi-agent-with-ansible.hashnode.dev·11 hours agoAutomating OMI Agent Installation with AnsibleIn the world of DevOps and infrastructure automation, configuration management tools like Ansible play a crucial role. Recently, I worked on an Ansible playbook to automate the installation of the OMI (Open Management Infrastructure) Agent, ensuring ...Devops
Azeez Aremudjangoway.hashnode.dev·20 hours agoConsider This: Streamlining Affiliate Wallet Creation with Django SignalsWelcome to the Consider This series, where we explore real-world business challenges and practical Django solutions. In this post, we tackle a common scenario: managing affiliates and automating wallet creation when their status changes to "approved....Consider ThisDjango
Sayantan Mannadevops-bites.hashnode.dev·Feb 9, 2025Exploring the TCP/IP Model: Essential Guide to Network BasicsIn the world of networking, TCP/IP is the backbone of communication between devices. While the OSI model is often referenced in theory, real-world applications use the TCP/IP model. Developed before the OSI model was formalized, the TCP/IP protocol s...Devops
Abilash Vavilalaclouddevopsinsights.com·Feb 9, 2025Automating Azure VM Management with Azure Automation AccountIntroduction Managing Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) manually can be time-consuming, especially for tasks like shutting down idle resources to save costs. Azure Automation Account allows you to automate these operations using Runbooks. In this guide, w...Azure
Isac Coutinhodevopsaurusrex.hashnode.dev·Feb 8, 2025Step-by-Step Solution for KodeKloud's Terraform Challenge 1KodeKloud is the #1 DevOps course provider and helps students learn trending technologies they need to thrive in their career. They also have this Terraform Challenges series that consists of a set of challenges that will assist you in mastering prov...Devops
Yaswanth Ryashdevops.hashnode.dev·Feb 8, 2025Enhancing GitLab CI/CD Notifications with Detailed Email ReportsIntroduction In a DevOps-driven environment, real-time insights into CI/CD pipelines are crucial for efficient development and deployment workflows. While GitLab provides default email notifications for pipeline success or failure, they often lack ...Devops
Bhargavi Shethbhargavisheth.hashnode.dev·Feb 8, 2025Optimizing Selenium Tests with Chrome Options Using PythonIntroduction Selenium is one of the most popular tools for automating web browsers, and when using it with Python, ChromeOptions provides a powerful way to customize and optimize the browser for automation. Whether you want to run tests in headless m...1 like·56 readsselenium
Celestina Odilitinatech.hashnode.dev·Feb 7, 2025Number Classification API: Fully Automated Deployment on Azure App Services with ARM Integration.Technology Stack Programming Languag: C# with ASP.NET Core Cloud Provider: Azure Infrastructure as Code: ARM Template Azure Services: App Services Prerequisites Ensure you have the following before starting: An Azure Account Azure CLI Install...api