prabath kumarprabath.ponnalaยทAug 8, 2024Most Asked Interview Questions and Answers on AWS ELBWhat is AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and how does it work? AWS ELB automatically distributes incoming application traffic across multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses, in one or more Availability Zones. It helps en...AWS DevOps Interview Questions & Answers for FreshersAWS
Arish Ahmadblog.arishahmad.inยทJul 29, 2024Easy Steps to Create a Reliable Application Load BalancerIntroduction Load balancing is the method of distributing network traffic equally across a pool of resources that support an application. Modern applications must process millions of users simultaneously and return the correct text, videos, images, a...AWS Training Chronicles: From Novice to ExpertAWS
Tom Moorebasementprogrammer.comยทJul 18, 2024Protect your AWS Webservers from Port Scanning attacksWhen I started working with AWS a little over 8 years ago, one of the first things I did was set up a simple web server. Being a "Windows Guy," I created an EC2 instance running Windows Server, installed IIS, put it into a public subnet in the defaul...220 readsec2
Codefy LabsforCodefy Labs's Blogscodefylabs.hashnode.devยทJun 9, 2024AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancing)AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) seamlessly manages the distribution of incoming application traffic across multiple targets, including EC2 instances, containers, and IP addresses. This essential service not only enhances fault tolerance and ensures ...10 likesยท28 readsAWSAWS
SWATHI PUNREDDYswathireddy.hashnode.devยทMay 26, 2024Project: Implementing Auto Scaling in AWS with AWS WAF for Enhanced Application Availability and SecurityObjective The objective of this project is to implement AWS Auto Scaling to ensure high availability and optimal performance of a web application. Additionally, the project integrates AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) to enhance the security of the ...9 likesยท162 readsAWS
RamGopalVarmaramgopalvarma.hashnode.devยทMay 5, 2024Optimizing Traffic Flow: Exploring Application Load Balancer Case Studies with Target Groups and EC2 InstancesCase Study:In this blog we will explore different cases of AWS Application load balancer. Mainly we will see how the traffic flows in private ec2 instances using round robin technique. Also, ALB with Custom domain name with route 53. In addition. ALB...AWS Applicaction Load Balancer
Aman Gauraman1011.hashnode.devยทApr 30, 2024New Load balancer in AWS not reachableSo, on a fine sunday evening while playing around with kubernetes, I decided to expose my example application using a load balancer. Since I was testing around, and the application was a sample nginx, I did not bother to customise the security group ...AWS
Prathmesh Vibhuteprathmeshh.hashnode.devยทApr 18, 2024Day 41 : Setting up an Application Load Balancer with AWS EC2 ๐ โIn today's digital landscape, where web applications serve millions of users simultaneously, ensuring high availability, scalability, and optimal performance is paramount. This is where load balancing comes into play, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) of...#day41
Gopinath Jgopinathblog.hashnode.devยทApr 10, 2024Load BalancersLoad Balancing is the process of distributing load to different resources to make the process more efficient. The Need for Load Balancers Imagine a scenario where a single EC2 instance struggles to handle the traffic load from 100 users, resulting network load balancer
Sprasad Pujarisprasad.hashnode.devยทJan 25, 2024A Hands-On Guide to Deploying a Two-Tier Architecture on AWS - Comprehensive Project Demo"Creating a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is like setting up a secure and isolated space for your applications and resources in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. Here's a step-by-step guide in simpler terms: ๐ Access AWS Console: Search VPC on servi...143 readsAWS