Munilakshmi G·Jan 2, 2025Day 68 of 100 Days : All About AWS Load BalancersIn the realm of cloud computing and DevOps, load balancing plays a pivotal role in ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and efficient distribution of incoming traffic across multiple servers. Today, let’s dive into AWS Load Balancers—their ty...Load Balancing
Sundaresan·Sep 11, 2024AWS Load-balancer: The how-to guide for setup an load balancer in awsWhat is Load Balancing? Load Balancing is a technique used to distribute incoming network traffic across multiple servers. This ensures no single server becomes overwhelmed, which helps improve the availability and reliability of your applications. L...AWS
Roopa Rani·Jun 22, 2024Understanding AWS Route 53 and setting up URL for an application on EC2 instanceAmazon Route 53 is a versatile Domain Name System(DNS) service provided by Amazon Web Services. It enables users to register domain names directly through the platform, converting human-friendly URLs into the numerical IP addresses that computers use...Cloud
Roopa Rani·Jun 14, 2024Load Balancing in AWSWhat is Load Balancing Load Balancing is the process of distributing network or application traffic across multiple servers to improve performance, reliability, and resource utilization. By spreading the load, it ensures no single server becomes over...Cloud Computing
Ahmad W·May 29, 2024The Ghost in the Load Balancer: A Production Deployment NightmareAs a seasoned software engineer with a decade under my belt, I've seen my fair share of production deployment disasters. But one night, in the wee hours before a major product launch, I encountered a bug that nearly drove my boss to defenestration. I...44 readsDevops
ANSAR·Mar 4, 2024Day 68 - Scaling with Terraform 🚀Welcome back to another day of our 90 days of DevOps journey! Today, we're diving into the world of scaling with Terraform, particularly focusing on AWS Auto Scaling Groups. Understanding AWS Auto Scaling Group Before we dive into the practical aspec...68 readsAWSAutoScalingGroup
Pooja·Feb 10, 2024About Load Balancer an AWS ServiceLoad balancer is a service used to route the incoming traffic across all servers equally that are capable of fulfilling those requests in a manner that maximizes speed and capacity utilization. The load balancer ensures that no one server is overlode...32 readsAWS loadbalancing
Maheshwar·Dec 13, 2023AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) vs Application Load Balancer (ALB) vs Network Load Balancer (NLB): Detailed Comparison and Use Cases.Introduction: Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides multiple options for load balancing solutions, including Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), Application Load Balancer (ALB), and Network Load Balancer (NLB). Each load balancer type serves specific use cases...184 readsAWS
Sahil·Nov 11, 2023Day - 41 : Setting up an Application Load Balancer with AWS EC2What is Load Balancing? Load balancing is the distribution of workloads across multiple servers to ensure consistent and optimal resource utilization. It is an essential aspect of any large-scale and scalable computing system, as it helps you to impr...1 like·32 reads#TWS
Debasish·Oct 31, 2023What is load BalancingWhat is Load balancing? Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic across multiple servers. It ensures that no single server bears too much demand. The load balancers are servers that forward traffic to multiple servers downstream....10 likesLoad Balancing